💼 I’m currently as a Software Engineer at Disney+ in Manchester, UK. Some things I've been working on:
- Internal experimentation programme, using Functional Programming - written with Scala, ZIO, Doobie, Caliban, etc.
- GitHub Actions for CI/CD, previews, extra checks etc.
- Static sites (Hugo, Docusaurus) for runbooks & documentation
🌱 I’m currently learning Elixir/Phoenix (and a bit of Tailwind CSS!)
⚡ Fun fact: 我会说一点中文(五年以前开始。。!)
📣 Check out my "Digital Garden" blog
📫 Reach me at LinkedIn
- 📚 A website powered by Spring & Kotlin that turns your stories into language learning "Graded Reader books"
- 🗃️ A Java CLI tool for generating Anki/Memrise/Pleco flashcards for Chinese study - recently refactored with a few JDk 14 features
- 📶 Turn your phone into a hotspot automatically with PowerShell - great when you have an ethernet but no Wi-Fi!
- 🔢A little game written with WinForms C# to practice your mental hexadecimal->decimal maths