naivistic but async-enabled transducer (micro-)library
The transducer approach can be used to improve the 'ordinary' array map an filter operations that we know and love.
- by not having to create a new collection for each map/filter operation (this can improve efficiency with large collections, and is the motivating example in various blog posts, as well as [1])
- making it more convenient to use async functions in map and filter. This means that you
don't need to wrap your map result in
. The goal in this case is to improve readability rather than speed (Two approaches are possible; either to wait for every promise, so items will be processed sequentially. The other is to start processing every input alement at once.)
There are two constructors map
and filter
nothing special here
The basic interface is a function tr_array
which expects an array (or another type of iterable object) of
input values followed by any number of maps or filters.
It traverses (hence the tr_
prefix) the input collection, passes each element through the provided
stages, and returns a new array with the results.
const { tr_array, map, filter } = require('trnsd')
, numbers = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
const result = tr_array(
map(x => x * 50),
map(x => x + 1),
filter(x => x < 400),
filter(x => Math.floor(x/100) % 2 === 0)
// [ 51, 201, 251 ]
There are two variants; both return a Promise that resolves to a new array with the results.
const { tr_async, map, filter } = require('trnsd')
const { wait } = require('./wait')
, numbers = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
map(x => x * 50),
map(x => Promise.resolve(x + 1)),
filter(x => wait(400).then(() => x < 400)),
filter(x => Math.floor(x/100) % 2 === 0)
.then(console.log) // [ 51, 201, 251 ]
use tr_par
instead of tr_async
. Parallel can be nice for speed, but
error handling can be tricky: Similar to using Promise.all
, your .catch
handler is called
at most once — if errors happen after
the first one, they are ignored!
Note that
- Functions passed to
may return a value or a Promise... But: - if Promises are involved, use
always return a Promisetr_array
dies in flames if a Promise is encountered. (UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning
these are proper "transduce" type functions, see examples/example_custom.js
[1] Egghead transducer tutorial (