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Repository for scChIX


This is the R package for deconvolving multiplexed histone modifications (


More has now been added for the journal version of the paper: "scChIX-seq infers dynamic relationships between histone modifications in single cells"

Specifically we've added in the vignettes:


Follow the vignettes for an example of deconvolving the multiplexed signal. The output is a linked UMAP. In the example it is H3K27me3 UMAP on the left, H3K9me3 UMAP on the right, with lines connecting the two maps together:

Linked UMAP example:

Vignettes for guided analysis of downstream analysis

Here are a list of vignettes for guided analysis:

Simulation studies and downstream analysis of estimates versus ground truth:

Analysis of scChIX downstream:

Comparing cell type and heterochromatin relationships, and global changes in ratios of two histone modifications:

Inferring dual continuous pseudotime during macrophage differentiation