This is the git repository containing data and analysis for the paper:
"Hor, C. N., Yeung, J., Jan, M., Emmenegger, Y., Hubbard, J., Xenarios, I., ... & Franken, P. (2019). Sleep–wake-driven and circadian contributions to daily rhythms in gene expression and chromatin accessibility in the murine cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(51), 25773-25783."
Link to paper:
# devtools::install_github("jakeyeung/SleepDepAnalysis")
# Jake Yeung
# Date of Creation: 2019-11-28
# File: ~/projects/SleepDepAnalysis/R/README.R
# Make a nice for people to see how to plot the data
library(here) # for loading Mara output, which needs to point to a directory
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(LoadPrimetimeObjs())) # loads the processed data into R
## Loading objects:
## dat.long.cleaned
## Loading objects:
## dat.long.cleaned
act.zscore.lst <- LoadMaraOutput(act.dir = "data/sleep_deprivation_gene_exprs_all") # function needs to point to directory
## Joining, by = c("gene", "sample", "time", "samp")
The expression dynamics of many genes can be accurately predicted from sleep-wake history of mice:
g <- "Egr2"
print(PlotBestFit(subset(dat.long.shift, gene == g), subset(fits, gene == g), filt.time, g, wake.collapsed, low.pass.filt.time, dat.pred = NA, dat.eeg = dat.eeg.plot, jsize = 10))
## [1] "Adding rectangle"
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which
## will replace the existing scale.
## Warning: position_stack requires non-overlapping x intervals
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).
Interestingly, clock and clock output genes were affected by sleep deprivation, often in a non-trivial manner:
g <- "Nr1d1"
print(PlotBestFit(subset(dat.long.shift, gene == g), subset(fits, gene == g), filt.time, g, wake.collapsed, low.pass.filt.time, dat.pred = NA, dat.eeg = dat.eeg.plot, jsize = 10))
## [1] "Adding rectangle"
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which
## will replace the existing scale.
## Warning: position_stack requires non-overlapping x intervals
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).
We used a model selection to infer genes that may be sleep-wake driven, here's how to do the fits:
g <- "Egr2"
min.hl <- 1/3
max.hl <- 24
min.hl.mrna <- 1/3
max.hl.mrna <- 24
lambda <- 1000
jmaxiter <- 3000
jtswitch <- 33
jform <- "switch"
fit.output <- subset(dat.long.shift, gene == g) %>%
group_by(gene) %>%
do(fit.sleep = FitProcessS(., wake.collapsed, exprs.cname = "exprs", time.cname = "time",
condensed=TRUE, pseudo = 0, min.hl = min.hl, max.hl = max.hl,
do.lowpass=TRUE, min.hl.mrna = min.hl.mrna, max.hl.mrna = max.hl.mrna,
low.pass.filter.times = low.pass.filt.time, jlambda = lambda, jmaxit = jmaxiter),
fit.flat = FitFlat(., use.weights = FALSE, get.bic = TRUE, condensed = TRUE),
fit.circadian = FitRhythmic(., T.period = 24, use.weights=FALSE, get.bic=TRUE, condensed=TRUE),
fit.ampfree.step = FitRhythmic.FreeAmp(., AmpFunc = AmpFunc, T.period = 24, tswitch = jtswitch, form = jform, include.intercept = TRUE, jmaxit = jmaxiter),
fit.mixedaf = FitWeightedSFreeAmp(., AmpFunc = AmpFunc, wake.collapsed = wake.collapsed,
exprs.cname = "exprs", time.cname = "time", T.period = 24,
tswitch=jtswitch, form=jform, pseudo = 0, min.hl = min.hl,
max.hl = max.hl, include.intercept = FALSE, do.lowpass=TRUE,
min.hl.mrna = min.hl.mrna, max.hl.mrna = max.hl.mrna,
low.pass.filter.times = low.pass.filt.time, jlambda = lambda, jmaxit = jmaxiter),
fit.mix = FitWeightedSCircadian(., wake.collapsed, condensed = TRUE, pseudo = 0,
min.hl = min.hl, max.hl = max.hl, include.mix.weight = FALSE,
include.intercept = FALSE, do.lowpass=TRUE, min.hl.mrna = min.hl.mrna,
max.hl.mrna = max.hl.mrna, low.pass.filter.times = low.pass.filt.time, jlambda = lambda, jmaxit = jmaxiter))
fit.output <- AddBICToDat(fit.output)
## Warning: Grouping rowwise data frame strips rowwise nature
fit.output$model <- SelectBestModel(fit.output, colnames(fit.output)) # Egr2 is sleep-wake driven gene
We inferred regulators underlying the dynamics of many of these genes
act.long <- act.zscore.lst$act.long
zscores <- act.zscore.lst$zscores
zscores$motif <- factor(as.character(zscores$motif), levels = zscores$motif)
zscores$label <- mapply(function(m, z) ifelse(z > 1.46, m, NA), as.character(zscores$motif), zscores$zscore)
We inferred that SRF may be driving many of the early-response dynamics
jmotif <- "SRF.p3"
act.means <- act.long %>%
group_by(gene, time) %>%
summarise(exprs = mean(exprs), sem = sqrt(sum(sem ^ 2)))
PlotMara.withEEG(subset(act.means, gene == jmotif), dat.eeg.plot, jtitle = jmotif, labsize = 10, ysize = 10)
## [1] "Adding rectangle"
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which
## will replace the existing scale.
## Warning: position_stack requires non-overlapping x intervals
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).