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    bin2dec.c   |   Version 1.6     |   FreeBSD License     |   2017-11-20
    James Hendrie                   |   hendrie dot james at gmail dot com

    1.  Description
    2.  Installation / Uninstallation
    3.  Usage
    4.  Examples
    5.  Contact, etc.

    1.  Description

    bin2dec (working title) is a program that will convert binary numbers to
    their decimal equivalents.  It can also convert to hexadecimal or octal, if
    you're feeling saucy.

    This is the companion to another program I've written recently, named
    dec2bin; that program converts decimal numbers to binary.

    I wrote this program (and the other one) because, although I'm almost
    positive that these are exactly the sorts of operations already very
    well-provided for on any standard UNIX or GNU/Linux system, I'll be damned
    if I can remember which commands to use.  So here we are.

    Incidentally, if you do know the appropriate commands, please shoot me a
    line at the email address above and let me know.

    2.  Installation / Uninstallation

    To install, compile the program with 'make'.  It shouldn't take long, though
    obviously you'll need a C compiler.  If you're on any modern UNIX or Linux
    distro you should already have one, and if you don't, shame on you.

    After you've compiled the program, install it to your system by issuing
    'make install' with superuser privileges.

    To remove the program and all its accessories, return to the directory to
    which you originally extracted the tarball (or whichever directory has the
    Makefile for this program) and type 'make uninstall', again with superuser

    Alternately, if you're on a Slackware system, you can install the Slackware
    package for this program using the in-built package manager.  You should be
    able to find it in the same place you found this tarball.

    3.  Usage

Usage:	bin2dec [OPTIONS] BINARY_NUMBER[s]

    -h or --help
        Print help text
        Print version and author info

    -v  Print number type next to each number (verbosity)
    -d  Enable decimal output (default)
    -o  Octal output
    -x  Hex output
    -X  Hex output with capital letters
    -a  Precise hex output
    -A  Precise hex output with capital letters
    -s  Output in 4-character sections, if appropriate
    -l  Print new lines between sections of text
    -t  Turn on text-mode conversion (convert from binary to ASCII)
    -e  Read binary as little-endian
    -E  Read binary as big-endian (default)
    -   Read from stdin

    4.  Examples

bin2dec 1011
    This will print the number 11 to your terminal.

bin2dec -xdo 10110
    This will print the numbers 22, 26 and 16 to your terminal, each on its own
    line.  In this case specifically, it's printed the hexadecimal number, the
    decimal number and the octal number.The numbers are printed in the following
    order:  Decimal, octal, hexadecimal and precise hexadecimal.  You can use
    the -v option to print which type each is on the same line as the number, if
    you'd like.

bin2dec 1111 1001 1011
    This will process all numbers given as arguments.

echo 1111 1001 1011 | bin2dec -
    This will do the same as above, except read from stdin

echo "0110100001100101011011000110110001101111" | bin2dec -t -
    Read the binary from stdin, converting it to the word 'hello'.

    5.  Contact, etc.

        James Hendrie
        [email protected]
        [email protected]

      <-- This program!


Convert binary numbers to decimal






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