This docker is based on Ros Noetic Ubuntu 20. If you need melodic with ubuntu 18 checkout #8fde91d
There are two versions available:
- CPU based (Xorg Nouveau display)
- Nvidia Cuda based.
To check if you are running the nvidia driver, simply run nvidia-smi
and see if get anything.
Based on which graphic driver you are running, you should choose the proper docker. For cuda version, you need to have nvidia-docker setup on your machine.
Steps to compile the Orbslam3 on the sample dataset:
depending on your machine.
Now you should see ORB_SLAM3 is compiling.
- Download A sample MH02 EuRoC example and put it in the
mkdir -p Datasets/EuRoC
wget -O Datasets/EuRoC/
unzip Datasets/EuRoC/ -d Datasets/EuRoC/MH02
To run a test example:
docker exec -it orbslam3 bash
cd /ORB_SLAM3/Examples && bash ./
It will take few minutes to initialize. Pleasde Be patient.
You can use vscode remote development (recommended) or sublime to change codes.
docker exec -it orbslam3 bash
subl /ORB_SLAM3