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Test I2S implementation on the ATmega328P microcontroller


The ATMega328P lacks a hardware I2S transmitter, so I2S has to be implemented via software. This program attempts to recreate a valid signal, which can then be read by any compatible receiver.

As explained below, the initial design involves two timers for the bit clock and word select signals, while the data is pushed one bit at a time via software (as of version 1). In later versions, I'll be experimenting with new techniques, in the hopes of finding the least CPU-intensive one.

No matter the techniques employed, the microcontroller has plenty of computing power for a simple I2S signal. Thus, the program will also attempt to generate various audio signals, using more or less CPU-intensive algorithms. Overall, the idea behind this project is to see how far we can push the ATmega328P in terms of computing power, while still generating a meaningful I2S signal.

Lastly, this project serves as a testbed for my embedded programming skills.


  • Arduino IDE version 1.8.19, for compiling and uploading the program;
  • AVR boards already installed on Arduino IDE;
  • any board compatible with Arduino Uno R3, for generating the signal;
  • any component compatible with I2S and 5V logic, for receiving the signal.


  • Connect the following pins of the board to the I2S receiver:
    • pin 6: serial clock;
    • pin 11: word select;
    • pin 12: serial data;
  • make sure the microcontroller is using the external 16 MHz oscillator as its clock source;
    • if you've never programmed the microcontroller's fuse bits, this is the default option and you don't need to do anything;
  • before starting Arduino IDE, copy boards.local.txt to the AVR board's folder;
    • on Linux the folder is usually ~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/<board-version>;
    • when Arduino Uno is selected as a board, boards.local.txt will add two new options under Tools: C++ standard and Optimization flags;
  • when you open the project, make sure the following options from Tools are selected:
    • Board: Arduino Uno;
    • C++ standard: C++17;
    • Optimization flags: Speed (-O3);
    • Programmer: AVRISP mkII.


Simply connect the board to the PC, then upload the sketch using Arduino IDE.

Technical details

Timers configuration and pin usage

On the microcontroller, timer 0 is used to generate the serial clock signal, and is configured like this:

  • fast PWM mode (with OCR0A register set as the counter's top value);
  • OCR0A set to 0;
  • counter set to 0;
  • OC0A pin configured in toggle mode (its value toggles every time the counter is reset);
  • OC0B pin free for other uses;
  • prescaler used, divider set to 8.

This produces a bit clock signal of 1 MHz, with a duty cycle of 50%. Pin 6 is reserved as the output compare pin, and that's the reason why that pin is used for the serial clock.

Timer 2 is used to generate the serial clock signal, and was configured similarly:

  • asynchronous mode disabled;
  • fast PWM mode (with OCR2A register set as the counter's top value);
  • OCR2A set to 23;
  • OC2A pin configured in toggle mode (its value toggles every time the counter is reset);
  • OC2B pin free for other uses;
  • prescaler used, divider set to 8.

This produces a word select signal of about 41.6 kHz, with a duty cycle of 50%. With this configuration, pin 11 is reserved as the output compare pin, and that's the reason why that pin was used for the word select.

The data signal is produced via software, by manually setting or clearing a pin. In theory, any pin could be used for the data signal, except 6 and 11 (since they're already busy for the clock signals). Pin 12 was chosen because that pin is reserved for the MOSI line when using the hardware-implemented SPI interface, and one of the project's future design changes might involve using the SPI for the data signal.

According to I2S' specifications, the word select signal must change during the bit clock's falling edge. Luckily, the timers' basic configuration already ensures this (see i2s_driver.hpp for more details).

Timers synchronization

During the early tests I managed to configure both timers in fast PWM mode without any prescaler. This choice, however, had a problem: timers' synchronization was not trivial.

As soon as a timer is assigned the regular system clock as source, it starts counting. Now, when both timers are being configured without prescaler, the second timer's clock source has to be selected after the first one's, but the latter has already started counting. To work around this, early implementations had to set the second timer's counter to the number of CPU cycles it took to start that timer.

Things change if a timer is assigned the prescaler as source instead (no matter the divider): the timer starts counting, unless the bit TSM on GTCCR is set. We can use this to start both timers at the exact same time:

  • set TSM on GTCCR (this will stop every prescaler);
  • set both PSRASY and PSRSYNC on GTCCR (this will reset the prescalers' internal counters);
  • configure the timers, assigning the prescalers as clock source (each timer can be configured with a different divider);
  • clear TSM on GTCCR (this will start both prescalers, and timers as well).

Audio quality

The word select signal's period lasts enough for transmitting 24 bits, 12 when the signal stays low, 12 when the signal stays high. This means we're producing an audio signal with 12 bit samples, 2 channels and a sampling rate of about 41.6 kHz. The samples range is wide enough to generate loud sounds as well as quiet ones; also, the sample rate is slightly lower than the usual 44.1 kHz rate, and an untrained listener probably won't be able to tell the difference.

Other details

After setting up and starting the timers, the instructions which set/clear the data pin have to be perfectly synchronized with timer 0, because of I2S' requirements. This involves a lot of cycle counting and manual delays, and a number of constants have been created to make the job easier (see i2s_driver.hpp for more details).

Besides boards.local.txt, there's another file which is not directly involved with the compilation: disassembler-output.txt. This file is the disassembled version of the executable generated, mixed with some actual code lines as a reference. Changes made to the program will be reflected in the disassembly, and keeping track of that helps spotting potential bugs or synchronization issues. This file is generated by running avr-objdump on the executable and using the flags -dSz; moreover, the above program's output is piped through tail -n +3 in order to strip the first 2 lines off (they contain the executable path, which is usually a temporary file whose path changes from time to time, and thus is not relevant to us).

Another objective I initially planned was ditching the Arduino IDE in favor of a more direct usage of the AVR toolchain. However, there were a couple of problems. First, early attempts at using the toolchain involved creating a couple of shell scripts which merely reproduced the commands generated by the IDE; this wasn't viable in the long run, as other people would be more accustomed to advanced tools such as make and CMake. Second, the codebase still heavily relies on important features of the IDE (macros for bit manipulation, implicit includes), and reworking it would take additional time. Overall, the objective, while interesting in the long run, would take a lot of time which could be instead spent on improving the synthesizer itself.


Test I2S implementation on the ATmega328P microcontroller






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