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Vim configuration


A vim configuration designed for PHP and optimised for Laravel.

##Installation This installation assumes running on an ubuntu system. However, changing the installation steps for another OS shouldn't be too dificult.

  • Run sudo apt-get install vim
  • Clone this repo into the ~/.vim directory
  • Setup vundle: git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  • Run vim
  • In vim run :PluginInstall and wait for packages to install.

Font installation

Fonts must be installed on the target machine and if using an SSH client must also be installed on the host. Fonts are from powerline/fonts.

####Target Machine

  • In the home directory run git clone
  • Now cd fonts
  • Run ./
  • fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts/

####Host Machine

  • Click here to download the fonts.
  • In the downloaded directory follow your PC instructions to install Sauce Code Powerline Regulat.otf.
  • In your SSH client select that as the font.

###Ctags Some key mappings for ctags have been used. To install ctags run sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags. Then in your working directory run ctags -R to generate the ctags file. You can then hit CTRL+p to bring up ctrlP and search tags.

###Fast saving The configuration has a key map of CTRL+S to save a file, as is common in most text editors. However, in most terminals this will freeze the terminal so some things must be added to your .bashrc file to stop this:

  • vim ~/.bashrc
  • Append stty ixany to the bottom of the file.
  • Append stty ixoff -ixon to the bottom of the file.
  • Exit vim.

###Codesniffer and Mess Detector The package uses PHP QA Tools to check for code errors. Custom Code Sniffer and Mess Detector rulesets have been included that are complementary to Laravel. Ofcourse these can be easily customised and are defined in the rulesets/ file.

To utilise PHP QA some prerequisites must be installed:

  • sudo apt-get install php-pear (if not already installed)
  • sudo pear install PHP_CodeSniffer
  • sudo pear channel-discover
  • sudo pear install phpmd/PHP_PMD-1.5.0

###Omnicomplete The configuration uses phpcomplete-extended for additional omnicomplete settings. The package is useful in retrieving omnicomplete data for composer (i.e Laravel) projects although is not neccesary with ctags. You can remove this package by deleting the Plugin from .vimrc, if not you will be asked to scan the composer classmaps on initially starting vim.

##Key maps

Key Function Mode
CTRL+s Save Normal
CTRL+x Exit the current buffer Normal
CTRL+e Toggle the NERDTree Normal
v,s Open a vertical split Normal
s,p Open a horizontal split Normal
CTRL+w,CTRL+w Change active split Normal
CTRL+d Next buffer Normal
CTRL+a Previous buffer Normal
F5 Bring up the Gundo history menu Normal
F2 Toggle paste mode Insert
<leader>,d,b Add a PHP DocBlock at current line Any
TAB Open omnicomplete Insert
CTRL+e (when omnicomplete open) Close omnicomplete and return to first word Insert
CTRL+p Open CtrlP Normal
g,c,c Toggle line commented Normal, visual
c,s Surround: Click here for further information Normal, visual
<leader>,r Open PHP refactoring tools Visual mode
Some blade snippets have been included in the .vim/UltiSnips directory. To use them type in the name of the snippet followed by
,s,n in your Blade template. I.e to create a new form type newform then \sn.
Run :help UltiSnips to get more information on snippets.

Snippets contain tabstops to allow you to easily edit information in them. To jump to the next tabstop hit CTRL+d and to go to the previous tabstop hit CTRL+z ##Configuration ###Leader The leader key is set to \ and is used in many key mappings. To change this add the line let mapleader= followed by the key of choice.


A vim configuration built for PHP and optimized for Laravel.






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