Releases: jackyaz/modmon
NEW: Configure how long data is kept in the database
IMPROVED: Use of keyboard keys d,r,l for chart functions (drag zoom, reset zoom, toggle lines)
IMPROVED: Use of indexes in database for small performance increases
IMPROVED: Use ajax to load dependent files in WebUI to avoid complete page load failures if a file was unavailable
IMPROVED: Stale modmon processes will be cleared on each ping test
IMPROVED: CPU intensive tasks are now run with a lower priority to minimise hogging the CPU
IMPROVED: Modem logs table in WebUI is now sortable and scrollable
NEW: CLI menu shows URL for WebUI page
NEW: CLI commands for "about" and "help"
IMPROVED: Update function now includes a prompt rather than applying update
IMPROVED: Use colours in CLI menu to highlight settings
CHANGED: NTP timeout increased to 10 minutes
NEW: modmon can be configured using the WebUI
NEW: Update modmon using the WebUI
NEW: Option to store database and configuration on USB instead of JFFS
NEW: Implement option to account for Upstream Power - 10x too high in latest Hub 3 firmware
IMPROVED: WebUI now uses a dropdown to select a time period for charts
IMPROVED: Reduced use of "lock files" to make script more responsive from the WebUI
CHANGED: WebUI tab name is now modmon and not Cable Modem Stats