The plugins lets to maintain a simple events list and to show the event(s) in the frontend.
Each event has its:
- Title,
- Date,
- Date of end (optional),
- Description (optional).
The plugin also, or maybe first of all, adds a calendar behaviour.
Calendar behaviour lets to show events in the particular day (similar to the Archive behaviour).
With the calendar plugin one can show a clickable calendar view. Events are presented on the view with boxes in appropriate days. The calendar behaviour lets to "travel" in the past and in the future.
Clicking on a day with an event redirects to a "the day" page, which lists all events (title, dates, description) from that day. "The day" page can be easy customized with the standard WolfCMS subpage system.
The plugin comes with a default cascade style sheet file, designed and tested on the default WolfCMS theme. However, I believe, it will work with other themes as well; maybe even without any modifications. If mods are needed, the CSS is simple and easy to change.
All views are translatable. There are four translations included: Polish, English, Dutch and Spanish.
- Copy plugin's files to
- Copy
to your theme folder, for examplepublic/themes/wolf/
- Insert to your layout (change the path, if needed):
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo THEMES_PATH; ?>wolf/calendar.css" type="text/css">
- Enable the plugin in the Administration Panel.