JavaScript Framework
npm i jnet
<script src="/node_modules/jnet/dist/jnet.v2.0.1.6.js"></script>
jNet(function () {
// Have fun coding...
jNet('[target="_blank"]').attr('rel', 'noopener noreferrer');
(function ($) {
$(function () {
// Have fun coding...
let $ = jNet;
// todo: description jNetFramework
jNetFramework includes others frameworks
Used [1] framework in jNet Framework can with halped constraction
var fetch = jNet.fetch;
Used [2] ...
var cookies = jNet.cookies;
Used [3] ...
var dynamics = jNet.dynamics;
- parent
- parents
- text
- append
- appendTo
- prepend
- prependTo
- innerHTML (alias html)
- outerHTML
- after
- before
Implement tests for methods jNetObject/jNet (Feature #23)
Implement parents (Feature #3)
Implement parent (Feature #2)
now the get method at the undefined index returns array
Fixed more bugs
- parent
- parents
Example (parents):
<ul id="test1">
<li class="boo"><a href="">1</a></li>
<li class="foo"><a href="">2</a></li>
<li class="bar"><a href="">3</a></li>
<ul id="test2">
<li class="boo"><a href="">1</a></li>
<li class="foo"><a href="">2</a></li>
<li class="bar"><a href="">3</a></li>
jNet('li').parents('ul'); // #test1, #test2
jNet('li').parents('div'); // div, div
jNet('li').parents(); // ul#test2, div, ul#test1, div, body, html
jNet('li').parents('*', 2); // ul#test2, div, ul#test1, div
jNet('li').parents('*', 3); // ul#test2, div, ul#test1, div, body
jNet('li').parents('*', 4); // ul#test2, div, ul#test1, div, body, html
jNet('div').parents(); // div, body, html
Example (parent):
<ul id="test1">
<li class="boo"><a href="">1</a></li>
<li class="foo"><a href="">2</a></li>
<li class="bar"><a href="">3</a></li>
<ul id="test2">
<li class="boo"><a href="">1</a></li>
<li class="foo"><a href="">2</a></li>
<li class="bar"><a href="">3</a></li>
jNet('li').parent(); // #test1, #test2
jNet('li').parent('p'); // jNetObject {length: 0}
jNet('div').parent(); // body, div
jNet('div').parent('div'); // div
remove alias jNet.oFn
add global jNetObject
add new method jNet.addMethod (author: John Resig,
test toString is fixed
Example (Overload method jNetObject):
jNetObject.fn.append = (function () {
var parentMethod = jNetObject.fn.append;
return function (selector) {
console.log([this, selector]);
return, selector);
Example (jNet.Event):
<ul id="test1">
<li class="boo"><a href="">1</a></li>
<li class="foo"><a href="">2</a></li>
<li class="bar"><a href="">3</a></li>
var $ = jNet;
// modification, add method from jNet.Event
jNetObject.fn.append = (function () {
var parentMethod = jNetObject.fn.append;
return function (selector) {
this.trigger('append:selector', selector);
return, selector);
var $ul = $('ul');
var index = $ul.find('li').length + 1;
$ul.bind('append:selector', (function () {
var consoleMethods = ['info', 'warn'];
return function (selector) {
console[consoleMethods[index % consoleMethods.length]](
'the element "' + selector + '" has been added to the "ul" element'
setInterval(function () {
var newLi = $('<li>' + ++index + '</li>');
}, 900);
Example (jNet.addMethod):
// Here’s the function in question:
// and here is how you might use it:
function Users(){
jNet.addMethod(this, "find", function(){
// Find all users...
jNet.addMethod(this, "find", function(name){
// Find a user by name
jNet.addMethod(this, "find", function(first, last){
// Find a user by first and last name
// Or, if you wanted to use it with an object prototype:
function Users(){}
jNet.addMethod(Users.prototype, "find", function(){
// Find all users...
jNet.addMethod(Users.prototype, "find", function(name){
// Find a user by name
jNet.addMethod(Users.prototype, "find", function(first, last){
// Find a user by first and last name
var users = new Users();
users.find(); // Finds all
users.find("John"); // Finds users by name
users.find("John", "Resig"); // Finds users by first and last name
users.find("John", "E", "Resig"); // Does nothing
Implement jNet.Event
var Model = jNet.Event(function (options) { = null;
this.firstname = null;
this.lastname = null;
if (typeof options !== "undefined") {
var self = this;
jNet.each(options, function (key, value) {
self[key] = value;
return this;
var man = new Model({
firstname: 'Alex',
lastname: 'Ivanov',
changeId: function (id) { = id;
this.trigger('change:id', id);
man.bind('change:id', function (id) {
console.warn('ID changed to: ' + id);
man.changeId(1); // ID changed to: 1
man.changeId(2); // ID changed to: 2
man.changeId(3); // ID changed to: 3
man.changeId(4); // ID changed to: 4;
jNet.each is Fixed for Object's. { a: "hello", b: "world" } if key in object is finite, then callback in first parameter get number, else string
start developer box
start developer laoder
start developer event (bind, unbind, trigger, one)
test jNet.each added
I have replaced "superagent" with "fetch-polyfill" as there was a naydna a big mistake in work of a framework
closest is fixed bug
added method matchesSelector
the method prepend is fixed
the method prependTo is fixed
new build
Implement offsetHeight, offsetWidth
Implement isHidden (used offsetHeight, offsetWidth)
add test for hide method (used isHidden)
add test for show method (used isHidden, css)
returnList is fixed
- offsetHeight
- offsetWidth
- isHidden
Example (offsetHeight):
jNet('div').offsetHeight() // int or array [10, 10, 10..]..
Example (offsetWidth):
jNet('div').offsetWidth() // int or array [10, 10, 10..]..
Example (isHidden):
jNet('div').isHidden() // true or false, or array [true, false, false]...
Optimization indexOf
add method get
fixed small bugs
- get
Implement index (Feature #22)
- index
%li 1 2
%li 3
jNet('.foo').index() // 1
jNet('li').index() // [0, 1, 2]
Implement appendTo (Feature #18)
Implement prepend (Feature #17)
- appendTo
- prependTo
Example (appendTo):
%li 1
%li 2
%li 3
// jNetObject {0: body, length: 1}
// jNetObject {0: body, length: 1}
// jNetObject {0: ul, length: 1}
%li 1
%li 2
%li 3
// jNetObject {0: ul, length: 1}
%li 1
%li 2
%li 3
%li 4
Example (prependTo):
%li 1
%li 2
%li 3
// jNetObject {0: ul, length: 1}
%li 0
%li 1
%li 2
%li 3
Implement clientHeight, clientWidth (Feature #21)
- clientHeight
- clientWidth
fixed height, width (Feature #20)
fixed off (Feature #19)
Example (clientHeight, clientWidth):
%li 1
%li 2
%li 3
jNet('nav').clientHeight(); // element
jNet('nav').clientWidth(); // element
jNet('li').clientHeight(); // returns array
jNet('li').clientWidth(); // returns array
Implement prepend (Feature #16)
Implement append (Feature #15)
Implement text (Feature #13)
Implement insertAfter, insertBefore (Feature #14)
- prepend
- append
- text
- after (old name is insertAfter)
- before (old name is insertBefore)
rename insertAfter to after
rename insertBefore to before
Example (prepend):
<div id="myProjects">
<a href=""></a>
jNet('#myProjects').prepend('<a href="">Babichev</a>');
<div id="myProjects">
<a href="">Babichev</a>
<a href=""></a>
Example (text):
<div id="myProjects">
<a href="">Babichev</a>
<a href=""></a>
jNet('#myProjects').text(); // Babichev
jNet('#myProjects a').text(); // ["Babichev", ""]
jNet('#myProjects a').text(function (content, element) {
console.log([content, element]); // no modification text in element a
jNet('#myProjects a').text(function (content, element) {
return content + '!'; // result: "Babichev!", "!"
Example (after):
<ul id="test1">
<li><a href="">1</a></li>
<li><a href="">2</a></li>
<li><a href="">3</a></li>
jNet('li').after('<li>' + jNet('ul').outerHTML() + '</li>')
<ul id="test1">
<li><a href="">1</a></li>
<ul id="test1">
<li><a href="">1</a></li>
<li><a href="">2</a></li>
<li><a href="">3</a></li>
<li><a href="">2</a></li>
<ul id="test1">
<li><a href="">1</a></li>
<li><a href="">2</a></li>
<li><a href="">3</a></li>
<li><a href="">3</a></li>
<ul id="test1">
<li><a href="">1</a></li>
<li><a href="">2</a></li>
<li><a href="">3</a></li>
Example (before):
<ul id="test1">
<li><a href="">1</a></li>
<li><a href="">2</a></li>
<li><a href="">3</a></li>
jNet('li').before('<li>' + jNet('ul').outerHTML() + '</li>')
<ul id="test1">
<ul id="test1">
<li><a href="">1</a></li>
<li><a href="">2</a></li>
<li><a href="">3</a></li>
<li><a href="">1</a></li>
<ul id="test1">
<li><a href="">1</a></li>
<li><a href="">2</a></li>
<li><a href="">3</a></li>
<li><a href="">2</a></li>
<ul id="test1">
<li><a href="">1</a></li>
<li><a href="">2</a></li>
<li><a href="">3</a></li>
<li><a href="">3</a></li>
fixed bug hide/show (Feature #12)
- hide
- show
Implement valid
with find, and preview element (without document-fragment) (Feature #11)
Optimization jNet(selector, dom) (Feature #10)
Implement innerHTML (alias html), outerHTML (Feature #9)
- innerHTML [alias] html
- outerHTML
// ["<a href="">1</a>", "<a href="">2</a>", "<a href="">3</a>"]
//["<li><a href="">1</a></li>", "<li><a href="">2</a></li>", "<li><a href="">3</a></li>"]
// console.log 1
// console.log 2
// console.log 3
// jNetObject [li, li, li], values (3, 6, 9)
jNet('li').html(function (html, element) {
var newObject = jNet(html).find('*');
var integer = newObject[0].innerText;
return integer * 3;
possibilities of selection are expanded. at the moment doesn't support: string, jNetObject...
jNet('*', document.body)
the new feature is added in Implement attributes (attr) (Feature #5), an opportunity to transfer callback by the second parameter
jNet('a:not([alt])').attr("alt", function (altText, element) {
console.log([altText, element]);
return 'hello';
Implement closest (Feature #8)
- clisest
Implement hasClass, addClass, removeClass, toggleClass (Feature #7)
- hasClass
- addClass
- removeClass
- toggleClass
jNet('p').addClass('hello') // p.hello
jNet('p').toggleClass('world') //
jNet('p').toggleClass('hello') //
jNet('p').hasClass('hello') // false
jNet('p').hasClass('world') // true
jNet('p').removeClass('world') // p
jNet('li').hasClass('hello') // [false, false, false]
jNet('li').addClass('hello') // [li.hello, li.hello, li.hello]
jNet('li').hasClass('hello') // [true, true, true]
css (todo: style), Implement css (Feature #6)
attr (without data), Implement attributes (attr) (Feature #5)
remove 'class' jNetPrivate
methods jNetPrivate moved in global namespace
- jNetPrivate.isHTML to isHTML
- jNetPrivate.parseXML to parseXML
- jNetPrivate.trim to trim
- jNetPrivate.parseHTML to parseHTML
Example (css):
jNet('li').css('color', null) // remove
jNet('li').css('color', 'yellow') // set
jNet('li').css('color') // get
Example (attr):
jNet('li').attr('style', null) // remove
jNet('li').attr('style', 'color: blue;') // set
jNet('li').attr('style') // get
Implement width, height (Feature #4)
- width
- height
jNet('div').width() // 100
jNet('div').height() // 100
jNet('li').height() // [20, 20]
show/hide (with dymanics.js) ++
remove ++ used standard method remove for elements
closest ++
- forEach rewrite on while
- fixed more bugs
rewrite js to cs
- isHTML
- parseXML
- trim
- parseHTML
- eq
- first
- last
- odd
- even
- clone
- toString
- each
- find
- on
- off
- ready
jNet (jNetFramework)
- each
- toString
jNet.oFn [alias] jNetObject.fn
jNet -- public
jNetObject -- private
jNetPrivate -- private
jNet.toString = jNet.fn.toString
jNet.clone = jNet.oFn.clone
jNet.each = jNet.fn.each
- click
- contextmenu
- dblclick
- mouseup
- mousedown
- mouseout
- mouseover
- mousemove
- keyup
- keydown
- keypress
- copy
- selectstart
- selectionchange
- select
jNet.fetch = require? "fetch-polyfill"
jNet.cookies = require? "js-cookie"
jNet.dynamics = require? "dynamics.js"