Rushuh.In is a Javascipt based 2D Game with Socket Programming. Build for final assignment of Computer Network 2022 at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
No | Nama | NRP | Username |
1 | M Faderik Izzul Haq | 05111940000023 | faderik |
2 | Allam Taju Sarof | 05111940000053 | Allam0053 |
3 | Achmad Akbar Irwanda | 05111940000138 | Irwnda |
4 | Iwan Dwi Prakoso | 05111940000229 | iwandepe |
- Perpare your environement for yarn project
- Run dependency instalation with
- Open 3 different terminal
- Run tailwind css builder with
yarn tw-dev
- Run server with
yarn server
- Run client with
yarn client
- Open the URL Here
- Join / Make the room
- Invite other user by copy the room ID
- Start moving by pressing WASD buttons
- You can attack enemy by pressing left click