This is extension for Yii Framework (, which can easy add RESTful API to existing web application.
curl http://test.local/api/users \
-u demo:demo \
-d email="[email protected]" \
-d password="passwd"
"email":"[email protected]",
"name":"Test REST User"
All of this code yo can find in demo folder.
- Unpack library folder to %YOUR_EXTENSION_PATH%/yii-rest-api
- Update yours config/main.php
Add new path of alias at the beginning
YiiBase::setPathOfAlias('rest', '%YOUR_EXTENSION_PATH%/yii-rest-api/library/rest');
Add extension service to preload and components sections
'preload' => array('restService'),
'components' => array(
'restService' => array(
'class' => '\rest\Service',
'enable' => strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/api/') !== false, // for example
Change routing settings
'urlFormat' => 'path',
'showScriptName' => false,
'baseUrl' => '',
'rules' => array(
array('%YOUR_CONTROLLER%/index', 'pattern' => 'api/%YOUR_CONTROLLER%', 'verb' => 'GET', 'parsingOnly' => true),
array('%YOUR_CONTROLLER%/create', 'pattern' => 'api/%YOUR_CONTROLLER%', 'verb' => 'POST', 'parsingOnly' => true),
array('%YOUR_CONTROLLER%/view', 'pattern' => 'api/%YOUR_CONTROLLER%/<id>', 'verb' => 'GET', 'parsingOnly' => true),
array('%YOUR_CONTROLLER%/update', 'pattern' => 'api/%YOUR_CONTROLLER%/<id>', 'verb' => 'PUT', 'parsingOnly' => true),
array('%YOUR_CONTROLLER%/delete', 'pattern' => 'api/%YOUR_CONTROLLER%/<id>', 'verb' => 'DELETE', 'parsingOnly' => true),
- Update parent or specific Controller
Add behavior
public function behaviors()
return array(
'restAPI' => array('class' => '\rest\controller\Behavior')
Overwrite render method (if need it)
public function render($view, $data = null, $return = false, array $fields = array())
if (($behavior = $this->asa('restAPI')) && $behavior->getEnabled()) {
return $this->renderRest($view, $data, $return, $fields);
} else {
return parent::render($view, $data, $return);
Overwrite redirect method (if need it)
public function redirect($url, $terminate = true, $statusCode = 302)
if (($behavior = $this->asa('restAPI')) && $behavior->getEnabled()) {
$this->redirectRest($url, $terminate, $statusCode);
} else {
parent::redirect($url, $terminate, $statusCode);
- Upate parent or specific ActiveRecord Model (or any other instance of CModel), if you need render rules.
Add behavior
public function behaviors()
return array(
'renderModel' => array('class' => '\rest\model\Behavior')
Add rule
public function rules()
return array(
array('field1,field2,field3', 'safe', 'on' => 'render'),
Methods that can be used after behaviors attached
Controller methods
* @method bool isPost()
* @method bool isPut()
* @method bool isDelete()
* @method string renderRest(string $view, array $data = null, bool $return = false, array $fields = array())
* @method void redirectRest(string $url, bool $terminate = true, int $statusCode = 302)
* @method bool isRestService()
* @method \rest\Service getRestService()
Model methods
* @method array getRenderAttributes(bool $recursive = true)
* @method string getObjectId()
PHP >= 5.3.0
Yii Framework >= 1.1.8
Copyright (c) 2012 Pays I/O Ltd. (
Licensed under the MIT license: