This will build a container for FreePBX - A Voice over IP Manager for Asterisk. Upon starting this image it will give you a turn-key PBX system for SIP calling.
- Latest release Version 15
- Compiles and Installs Asterisk 16
- Choice of running embedded database or Modifies to support external MySQL Database and only require one DB.
- Supports Data Persistence
- Fail2Ban installed to block brute force attacks
- Debian Stretch Base w/ Apache2
- NodeJS 11.x
- Automatically Installs User Control Panel and displays at first page
- Option to Install Flash Operator Panel 2
- Customizable FOP and Admin URLs
This Container uses tiredofit/debian:stretch as a base.
If you are presently running this image when it utilized FreePBX 14 and Asterisk 14 and can no longer use your image, please see this post
This image assumes that you are using a reverse proxy such as jwilder/nginx-proxy and optionally the Let's Encrypt Proxy Companion @ in order to serve your pages. However, it will run just fine on it's own if you map appropriate ports.
You will also need an external MySQL/MariaDB Container, athough it can use an internally provided service (not recommended).
Automated builds of the image are available on Docker Hub and is the recommended method of installation.
docker pull tiredofit/freepbx:(imagetag)
The following image tags are available:
- Asterisk 16, Freepbx 15 - Debian Stretch (latest build)14
- Asterisk 14, Freepbx 14 - Debian Stretch (latest build)latest
- Asterisk 16, Freepbx 15 - Debian Stretch (Same as15
You can also visit the image tags section on Docker hub to pull a version that follows the CHANGELOG.
The quickest way to get started is using docker-compose. See the examples folder for a working docker-compose.yml that can be modified for development or production use.
Set various environment variables to understand the capabilities of this image.
Map persistent storage for access to configuration and data files for backup.
Make networking ports available for public access if necessary
The first boot can take from 3 minutes - 30 minutes depending on your internet connection as there is a considerable amount of downloading to do!
Login to the web server and enter in your admin username, admin password, and email address and start configuring the system!
The container supports data persistence and during Dockerfile Build creates symbolic links for /var/lib/asterisk
, /var/spool/asterisk
, /home/asterisk
, and /etc/asterisk
. Upon startup configuration files are copied and generated to support portability.
The following directories are used for configuration and can be mapped for persistent storage.
Directory | Description |
/certs |
Drop your Certificates here for TLS w/PJSIP / UCP / HTTPd/ FOP |
/var/www/html |
FreePBX web files |
/var/log/ |
Apache, Asterisk and FreePBX Log Files |
/data |
Data Persistence for Asterisk and Freepbx and FOP |
/assets/custom |
OPTIONAL - If you would like to overwrite some files in the container, put them here following the same folder structure for anything underneath the /var/www/html directory |
Along with the Environment Variables from the Base image, below is the complete list of available options that can be used to customize your installation.
Parameter | Description |
What folder to access admin panel - Default /admin |
Allows you to use an internally provided MariaDB Server e.g. TRUE or FALSE |
Host or container name of MySQL Server e.g. freepbx-db |
MySQL Port - Default 3306 |
MySQL Database name e.g. asterisk |
MySQL Username for above Database e.g. asterisk |
MySQL Password for above Database e.g. password |
Enable Fail2ban to block the bad guys - Default TRUE |
Enable Flash Operator Panel - Default TRUE |
Enable HTTPd to serve SSL requests - Default FALSE |
Enable XMPP Module with MongoDB - Default FALSE |
HTTP Listening Port - Default 80 |
HTTPS Listening Port - Default 443 |
What folder to access FOP - Default /fop |
What port to start RTP Transmissions - Default 18000 |
What port to start RTP Transmissions - Default 20000 |
Load UCP as web frontpage TRUE/FALSE - Default TRUE |
TLS Certificate to drop in /certs for HTTPS if no reverse proxy |
TLS Key to drop in /certs for HTTPS if no reverse proxy |
If you wish to install to a subfolder use this. Example: /var/www/html/pbx Default '/var/www/html' |
may not work correctly if WEBROOT
is changed or UCP_FIRST=FALSE
The following ports are exposed.
Port | Description |
80 |
443 |
4445 |
4569 |
5060 |
5160 |
8001 |
8003 |
8008 |
8009 |
18000-20000/udp |
RTP Ports |
- There seems to be a problem with the CDR Module when updating where it refuses to update when using an external DB Server. If that happens, simply enter the container (as shown below) and execute
, which will download the latest CDR module, apply a tweak, install, and reload the system for you.
- When installing Parking Lot or Feature Codes you sometimes get
SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'helptext' at row 1
. To resolve login to your SQL server and issue this statement:alter table featurecodes modify column helptext varchar(500);
- If you find yourself needing to update the framework or core modules and experience issues, enter the container and run
which will truncate the column and auto upgrade the core and framework modules.
For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell.
docker exec -it (whatever your container name is e.g. freepbx) bash