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prompt: update powerlevel10k submodule to the latest commit (sorin-io…
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- New features:
  - Show On Command -- Display prompt segments conditional on the
    command being typed. Demo:
  - `p10k display` -- Quickly hide or show different parts of prompt.
  - `p10k-on-*` hooks -- Get notified about prompt-related events.
- New prompt segments:
  - google_app_cred -- Google Application Credentials.
  - luaenv -- Lua version from
  - jenv -- Java version from
  - plenv -- Perl version from
  - nnn -- Shell indicator for
- Important fixes:
  - Ctrl-C no longer shortens prompt when used to terminate a zle widget
    with transient prompt enabled.
  - Don't print warnings in instant prompt when OMZ is updating.
  - rust_version now properly recognized rustup overrides.
- Smoother rendering when using transient prompt.
- New style in `p10k configure`: Lean restricted to 8 colors.
  • Loading branch information
romkatv authored and ivanalejandro0 committed Feb 22, 2021
1 parent 55436cb commit 244ac00
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.

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