Configurations for my systems running nixos
The current configuration is largely built around nightingale. Portability will increase whenever I get around to running a second nixos machine.
All systems use a zfs - luks encrypted setup, and should thus be set up accordingly. It is loosely based on the setup described in But with an encrypted root partition, with a ZFS filesystem. Instructions are on for the general setup.
Nixos allows for my terminal, vim, fish and awesomewm setups to be configured through nix, these can be found in modules/ and pkgs/.
Reorganize vim config
Reorganize wm setup (xmonad mainly) into its own submodule, instead of under modules/ directly
Put chromium setup into its own file (even though its only 1 line)
Host specific configs
Move from Vim to Neovim when the config allows
Setup automatic mail sync
Hopefully switch themes live in alacritty (similar to what terminator can do)
Write config files of vim to the standard location instead of manually loading it from /etc/nixos/,
Same for alacritty ^
Same for kakoune ^
Write better system setup details
Note: not so sure about switching separate config files to .nix variants, since right now I can download one of the files and use it directly on any other system.