For basf2 users: setup your basf2 enviroment, then run
pip install git+
to install the package.
To get axis labels at the axes ends, as was the default in previous versions of the WG1 template, you just have to change some global variables that the WG1 template uses:
wg1template.plot_style.xlabel_pos = {"x": 1, "ha": "right"}
wg1template.plot_style.ylabel_pos = {"x": 1, "ha": "right"}
The recommendations of the Belle2Style are not to have top/right axis ticks or errorbar caps, but some users might still prefer them. They can be enabled by
from wg1template plot_style
plot_style.set_matplotlibrc_params(errorbar_caps=True, top_right_ticks=True)