PyDrive2 is a wrapper library of google-api-python-client that simplifies many common Google Drive API V2 tasks. It is an actively maintained fork of By the authors and maintainers of the Git for Data - DVC project.
- Package:
- Documentation:
- Source:
- Changelog:
- Running tests
- Simplifies OAuth2.0 into just few lines with flexible settings.
- Wraps Google Drive API V2 into classes of each resource to make your program more object-oriented.
- Helps common operations else than API calls, such as content fetching and pagination control.
- Provides fsspec filesystem implementation.
You can install PyDrive2 with regular pip
$ pip install PyDrive2
To install the current development version from GitHub, use:
$ pip install git+
Download client_secrets.json from Google API Console and OAuth2.0 is done in two lines. You can customize behavior of OAuth2 in one settings file settings.yaml.
from pydrive2.auth import GoogleAuth
from import GoogleDrive
gauth = GoogleAuth()
drive = GoogleDrive(gauth)
Upload/update the file with one method. PyDrive2 will do it in the most efficient way.
file1 = drive.CreateFile({'title': 'Hello.txt'})
file1.Upload() # Files.insert()
file1['title'] = 'HelloWorld.txt' # Change title of the file
file1.Upload() # Files.patch()
content = file1.GetContentString() # 'Hello'
file1.SetContentString(content+' World!') # 'Hello World!'
file1.Upload() # Files.update()
file2 = drive.CreateFile()
print('Created file %s with mimeType %s' % (file2['title'],
# Created file hello.png with mimeType image/png
file3 = drive.CreateFile({'id': file2['id']})
print('Downloading file %s from Google Drive' % file3['title']) # 'hello.png'
file3.GetContentFile('world.png') # Save Drive file as a local file
# or download Google Docs files in an export format provided.
# downloading a docs document as an html file:
docsfile.GetContentFile('test.html', mimetype='text/html')
PyDrive2 handles file listing pagination for you.
# Auto-iterate through all files that matches this query
file_list = drive.ListFile({'q': "'root' in parents"}).GetList()
for file1 in file_list:
print('title: {}, id: {}'.format(file1['title'], file1['id']))
# Paginate file lists by specifying number of max results
for file_list in drive.ListFile({'maxResults': 10}):
print('Received {} files from Files.list()'.format(len(file_list))) # <= 10
for file1 in file_list:
print('title: {}, id: {}'.format(file1['title'], file1['id']))
PyDrive2 provides easy way to work with your files through fsspec compatible GDriveFileSystem.
Install PyDrive2 with the required dependencies
$ pip install PyDrive2[fsspec]
from pydrive2.fs import GDriveFileSystem
# replace `root` with ID of a drive or directory and give service account access to it
fs = GDriveFileSystem("root", client_id=my_id, client_secret=my_secret)
for root, dnames, fnames in fs.walk("root"):
All API functions made to be thread-safe.
Thanks to all our contributors!