Node 16.10.0
- Install the Chrome Vue.js devtools
- Install the Visual Studio Code Volar extension
- Install the Visual Studio Code Vue Inline Template extension
Used the example from Vue Mastery.
npx http-server
Converted 01-HelloWorld
to a with Vue CLI Vite generated "full blown" application
(Routing, Store, SCSS, TypeScript, ...)
cd cli-socks
npm install
npm run dev
ATTN: Some Webstorm attendees needed to do an additional npm install node-sass
As always with npm, read the error messages :)
The idea is for the attendees to "claim" a ticket (by replying to it) and create a PR once ready.
npm run serve
Some code examples on slots, mixins, directives, filters, ...
Scaffold projects in Vue, React, ...
npm create vite@latest
VitePress: static website generator