Scenario-based Programming in Statecharts
- get an Eclipse with an YAKINDU SCT plugins
- The easiest way is to download YAKINDU Statechart Tools from the itemis website:
- alternatively you can download a standard Eclipse and build everything from source. For this case follow
- clone this repository
- start YAKINDU SCT (or Eclipse) and import the plugin SBPinSc plugin projects into the workspace using 'File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace'
- The projects should be built automatically after import.
- There will be some errors. To fix these select com.yakindu.sct.domain.scenario.lang/src/com/yakindu/sct/domain/scenario/ScenarioText.xtext and in the context menu there is a entry to generate code from the xtext file. Execute it and after rebuild of the
- Create a new 'Run Configuration' of type 'Eclipse Application' and launch it. A 'runtime instance' of YSCT/Eclipse starts with the additional plugins activated.