KanTan is a tool designed to make kanji lookup easier by combining kanji lookup and word lookup into one. KanTan allows you to specify a pattern for a word using the radicals that you recognize, and find all the words that match that pattern.
A live version can be found here.
The backend is a JSON webservice that accepts a search term (i.e. a radical pattern) and returns a list of matching words. The backend is written in Python 2.
To install all dependencies, run
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, to run the webservice:
python main.py
Example query: http://localhost:4000/[]顔
The UI is a simple angular app that queries the backend. To use it, run make
to compile the CoffeeScript into JS, and just serve the files from the directory.
You may want to edit the location of the backend server in query_service.coffee