The short example to investigate the following issue. The libpqxx library in multithreaded use cases does not enough free memory allocated for results of the query.
libpqxx was built from sources (master branch) using gcc -std=c++17 -O2 (gcc version 9.2.0)
To run test you should prepare test database before. Please review SQL scripts in "sql" subdirectory. Check and modify init_database.sql and fini_database.sql files. After modification execute appropriate scripts under DB account that has privileges to create roles and database (under "postgres" superuser, for example).
psql -U postgres < sql/init_database.sql
After test yum may drop all the test data using the following command
psql -U postgres < sql/fini_database.sql
- First, youn need prepare executable. Change a number of threads and scale factor in source file. Be carreful not to overfull memory of you host. The main goal is to achieve some visible memory allocation size by all running threads. Change appropriate config variables in Makefile, and make executable.
vim Makefile vim libpqxx-mem-overrun.cpp make
- [optional] You may check test by valgrind to ensure the there are no memory leaks in test.
valgrind ./libpqxx-mem-overrun
Output example
==20086== HEAP SUMMARY:
==20086== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==20086== total heap usage: 4,371,820 allocs, 4,371,820 frees, 7,884,699,802 bytes allocated
==20086== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==20086== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==20086== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
- Install empty python environment and init it
python -m venv venv source ./venv/bin/activate
- Install memory profiler and matplot library
pip install memory-profiler pip install matplotlib
- Run test under profiler
mprof run ./libpqxx-mem-overrun
- Plot memory usage diagramm
mprof plot --output libpqxx-mem-overrun.png