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Bootstrap Italia

bootstrap_italia is a low-code base theme for Drupal that implements the Italian guidelines for designing public digital services. This theme uses webpack as a module bundler and includes the bootstrap-italia library as a dependency. View a bootstrap italia Demo site

Drupal configuration

Install drupal and drush with composer (

$ composer create drupal/recommended-project my_site_name_dir --no-install
$ cd my_site_name_dir
$ composer require drush/drush --no-install
$ composer install

Install drupal, you can use drush or your browser

$ drush site:install


$ cd <drupal-root>

# 1. Install end enable dependencies
$ composer require drupal/components:^3.0@beta
$ drush pm:enable components
$ composer require drupal/bootstrap_italia

# 2. Copy sub-theme to destination folder
$ cd web/themes/
$ mkdir custom
$ cp -r contrib/bootstrap_italia/var/starter_kits/italiagov custom/

# 3. Enable themes
$ drush -y theme:enable bootstrap_italia
$ drush -y theme:enable italiagov

# 4. Set default theme
$ drush config-set system.theme default italiagov

Edit custom/italiagov/ and change hidden variable to false

$ sed -i 's/hidden: true/hidden: false/g' custom/italiagov/

Manage bootstrap Italia library

You can install the bootstrap-italia library in several ways.

A. Bootstrap-italia vanilla

Download and unzip in <your-subtheme>/dist.

B. Custom build for developer or advanced user

npm is required:

Install assets

$ cd custom/italiagov
$ npm install

Run watcher:

$ npm run watch:dev

Build assets:

$ npm run build:dev
$ drush cr

Production mode:

Run watcher:

$ npm run watch:prod

Build assets:

$ npm run build:prod
$ drush cr

Hot mode:

To properly activate hot mode, do this:

  • Make sure your host port 8080 is not filtered, or exposed if you are using a container.
  • In the <sub-theme>/<sub-theme>.info.yml file edit the libraries array to load only italiagov/hot and bootstrap_italia/base
$ drush cr && npm run build:dev && npm run hot

Note that you need to run drush cr then build:dev and finally hot, otherwise it won't work.

If you need customize host and port, copy <sub-theme>/webpack.settings.dist.js in <sub-theme>/webpack.settings.js and edit devServer.allowedHosts and devServer.port.

If you use ddev use this tip to expose 8080 port and view the site with the URL<ddev-port>

# <project-name>/.ddev/docker-compose.ports.yaml

version: '3.6'

      - 8080
      - 8080:8080

C. For developer or expert user

By appropriately modifying *.info.yml and *.libraries.yml you can adapt the loading of libraries according to your infrastructure.

D. How to use bootstrap-italia library from github (for developer)

Replace in <sub-theme>/package.json

"bootstrap-italia": "<version>"


"bootstrap-italia": "github:italia/bootstrap-italia#<branch>"


"bootstrap-italia": "github:italia/bootstrap-italia#main"

Loading Fonts via CSS (Advanced Users)

To load fonts via CSS, you need to disable the JavaScript font loading by commenting out the line - bootstrap_italia/load-fonts in the libraries array. Please note that you can continue to choose your preferred method for loading CSS and JS libraries (via UI, custom, hot, etc.). The following example demonstrates using the UI loading method:

# Choose libraries to use. Global is managed with theme settings UI.
- italiagov/libraries-ui
#  - italiagov/vanilla
#  - italiagov/custom
#  - italiagov/cdn
#  - italiagov/hot
#  - italiagov/ddev
- bootstrap_italia/base
- bootstrap_italia/enable-all-tooltips
#  - bootstrap_italia/load-fonts

To avoid duplicating fonts in the dist folder, you need to comment out or remove the following code from the CopyWebpackPlugin configuration in the webpack.common.js file:

  from: paths.modules + '/bootstrap-italia/src/fonts/',
    to: + '/fonts/'

After making the necessary changes, your configuration should look similar to:

new CopyWebpackPlugin({
  patterns: [
      from: paths.modules + '/bootstrap-italia/src/assets/',
      to: + '/assets/'
    // {
    //   from: paths.modules + '/bootstrap-italia/src/fonts/',
    //   to: + '/fonts/'
    // },
      from: './src/images/',
      to: + '/images/'

Once you have made this change, you need to modify your sub-theme's src/scss/custom/custom.scss file and add @import "../fonts"; as the first rule. After that, run the following commands:

$ npm run build:prod
$ drush cr

At this point, the fonts will be loaded via CSS from the dist folder.

Finally, it is recommended to activate the option: "Appearance -> Settings -> your sub-theme -> Libraries -> My library loads fonts via css".

Compiling CSS for CKEditor5 (Advanced Users)

To compile CSS for CKEditor5, you need to uncomment the relevant line in the webpack.common.js file. Update the file from:

entry: {
  "bootstrap-italia": [paths.src + '/js/index.js', paths.src + '/scss/theme.scss'],
  //"ckeditor5": paths.src + '/scss/ckeditor5.scss',


entry: {
  "bootstrap-italia": [paths.src + '/js/index.js', paths.src + '/scss/theme.scss'],
  "ckeditor5": paths.src + '/scss/ckeditor5.scss',

After making this change, proceed with the regular build process. If you're using this feature, it is recommended to load fonts via CSS (as described in the previous section) to avoid duplicating the fonts in the dist folder.

Adding Custom SVG Icons (Advanced Users)

To add custom SVG icons, follow these steps:

  1. Add your SVG icons to the src/svg folder. Use the existing icon it-drupal.svg as a reference. Keep in mind the following:
    • The file name is important as it will be used as the icon's ID.
    • Do not use the fill attribute as it will prevent the icon from being styled using CSS.
    • Examples: Bootstrap Italia SVG Icons.
  2. Load your icons using src/js/custom/icons.js.
  3. Make sure you import the icons JavaScript in your src/js/custom/custom.js file with: import './icons'.

Perform the build process as usual. Your custom icons will be available in dist/svg/sprites.svg and can be used just like any other icon from the Bootstrap Italia library.

Recommended modules

This theme provides several modules that allow you to manage the components with the Drupal administration panel. Below is a list

Bootstrap Italia Image Styles

This module adds different image styles in Admin -> Configurations -> Media -> Image Styles.

$ composer require drupal/focal_point
$ drush -y pm:enable responsive_image focal_point bootstrap_italia_image_style

Bootstrap Italia Text editor

This module adds new text editor format (ckeditor 4) in "Configuration" -> "Text formats and editors".

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_text_editor

Bootstrap Italia Text editor 2 (Experimental)

This module adds new text editor format (ckeditor 5) in "Configuration" -> "Text formats and editors".

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_text_editor2

Bootstrap Italia Layouts

This module adds several layouts that can be used immediately with Layout Builder, Display Suite or any other layout consuming module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_layouts

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph

This is the base module for paragraphs integration.

$ composer require \
    drupal/paragraphs \
    drupal/field_group \
    drupal/imce \

$ drush -y pm:enable paragraphs field_group imce color_field
$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_paragraph

Install third-party libraries via the Drupal administration panel or with this script by positioning yourself in the same folder in which composer.json is located

curl --request GET -sL \
  --url '' \
  --output './web/libraries/'

unzip ./web/libraries/ -d ./web/libraries/
mv ./web/libraries/jquery-simple-color-master \

rm -Rf ./web/libraries/

curl --request GET -sL \
  --url '' \
  --output './web/libraries/'

unzip ./web/libraries/ -d ./web/libraries/
mv ./web/libraries/spectrum-master ./web/libraries/spectrum
rm -Rf ./web/libraries/

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Accordion

This module manages the accordion component through the paragraph module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_paragraph_accordion

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Attachments

This module manages the attachments through the paragraph module.

$ drush -y pm:enable media media_library bootstrap_italia_paragraph_attachments

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Callout

This module manages the callout component through the paragraph module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_paragraph_callout

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Carousel

This module manages the splide carousel component through the paragraph module.

$ drush -y pm:enable media media_library bootstrap_italia_paragraph_carousel

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Citation

This module manages the citation component through the paragraph module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_paragraph_citation

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Gallery

This module manages the gallery component (image list) through the paragraph module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_paragraph_gallery

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Hero

This module manages the hero component through the paragraph module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_paragraph_hero

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Map

This module manages the map component through the paragraph module. This module uses leaflets and open street maps.

$ composer require drupal/geofield drupal/leaflet
$ drush -y pm:enable geofield leaflet bootstrap_italia_paragraph_map

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Node Reference

This module, through a paragraph, refers to other nodes and allows you to choose the view with which they must be displayed.

$ composer require drupal/entity_reference_display
$ drush -y pm:enable entity_reference_display
$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_paragraph_node_reference

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Section

This module manages the section component through the paragraph module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_paragraph_section

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Timeline

This module manages the timeline component through the paragraph module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_paragraph_timeline

Bootstrap Italia Paragraph Webform

This module manages the integration of webform with paragraph.

$ composer require drupal/webform wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin
$ drush -y pm:enable webform webform_bootstrap webform_ui
$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_paragraph_webform

Install third-party libraries by edit the composer.json file of your website and under the "extra": { section add:

"merge-plugin": {
  "include": [

Then run:

$ composer update -W

Learn more

Bootstrap Italia Views Accordion

This module manages the integration of the accordion component into the views module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_views_accordion

Bootstrap Italia Views Carousel

This module manages the integration of the carousel component into the views module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_views_carousel

Bootstrap Italia Views Gallery

This module manages the integration of the gallery component into the views module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_views_gallery

Bootstrap Italia Views List

This module manages the integration of the list component into the views module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_views_list

Bootstrap Italia Views Timeline

This module manages the integration of the timeline component into the views module.

$ drush -y pm:enable bootstrap_italia_views_timeline

Bootstrap Italia content News

This module adds the "News" content type (second level content). Note: this is an example of how to develop a reusable content type.

$ composer require drupal/toc_js drupal/focal_point
$ drush -y pm:enable responsive_image toc_js focal_point  \
    bootstrap_italia_paragraph bootstrap_italia_paragraph_accordion \
    bootstrap_italia_paragraph_attachments bootstrap_italia_paragraph_callout \
    bootstrap_italia_paragraph_carousel bootstrap_italia_paragraph_citation \
    bootstrap_italia_paragraph_map bootstrap_italia_paragraph_webform  \

Install third-party libraries by edit the composer.json file of your website and under the "extra": { section add:

"merge-plugin": {
  "include": [

Then run:

$ composer update -W

Bootstrap Italia empty front page

By default, Drupal fills the front page with the latest content from your site. This module modifies the front page to have an empty page. This way, only the blocks will be displayed. Useful as in the case of Municipalities whose home page is built only with blocks in custom zones, thus avoiding recalling the frontpage view which isn't used. The same view is also disabled.

$ composer require drupal/empty_front_page
$ drush -y pm:enable empty_front_page bootstrap_italia_empty_front_page

How to manage components via the user interface.

The components of the theme are mapped with the drupal graphical interface, so you can manage cards, lists, etc., without writing code or templates. First install and enable ui_patterns (>= 1.5), ui_patterns_library and ui_patterns_settings.

$ composer require 'drupal/ui_patterns:^1.5' drupal/ui_patterns_settings
$ drush en ui_patterns ui_patterns_library ui_patterns_settings

To the https://domain.example/patterns page you will see the list of components/patterns that you can manage from the UI.


Enable ui_patterns_ds to use components as layouts via Display suite.

$ composer require drupal/ds
$ drush en ds ds_extras ds_switch_view_mode ui_patterns_ds


Enable ui_patterns_layouts to use components as layouts via the Layout Discovery module.

$ drush en ui_patterns_layouts


Enable ui_patterns_views to use components with views.

$ drush en ui_patterns_views

Italian Language

Import/edit translations/

$ drush locale-import it /absolute/path/to/bootstrap_italia-<version>.it.po \
    --type=customized --override=all

How to start a ddev container

If you want an automated script that works for you, run script located at themes/bootstrap_italia/var/bin/ and enjoy it

This script works for ddev >= 1.18.0 (Sept 2021)

Download ad run latest stable release:

$ bash <(curl -s -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" "")

Download ad run dev release:

$ bash <(curl -s -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" "")