A conservative implementation of the ckeditor in Drupal 7.
Text formats: WYSIWYG - admin/config/content/formats/wysiwyg
- Allowed by authenticated.
Filtered HTML - admin/config/content/formats/filtered_html
- No roles may use this format.
- This text format is installed with the standard Drupal profile and is highly abused. We have reset it so it is unused.
Full HTML - admin/config/content/formats/full_html
- No roles may use this format
- This text format is installed with the standard Drupal profile and is dangerous and highly abused. We have reset it so it is unused.
CKEditor config changes:
- We have altered the configuration to remove the "url" field from the image properties dialog so that users cannot include images from other domains.
- The only way to include an image is to use the insert module.
- We have also removed the image properties advanced dialogue tab as we do not want users to change classes, IDs or other potentially dangerous configuration.
- Those with the authenticated user role may not escape from the CKEditor and edit source.
- Users need to be locked into uploading images through a Drupal field and unable to create img tags that point outside the host domain.
- Available tags and tag attributes are highly restricted to prevent CSS tampering, iframe usage, and so on.
- Simpler is easier to use.
Stock ckeditor drupal module.
luggage_ckeditor Drupal feature.
Open a command line where DRUPAL_ROOT is the root of your Drupal site:
cd DRUPAL_ROOT/sites/all/modules
git clone
cd DRUPAL_ROOT/sites/all/libraries
git clone ckeditor
drush en luggage_ckeditor
- better_formats
- ckeditor - included
- features
- image - core
- image_resize_filter
- insert
- wysiwyg_filter
- ckeditor 4.x JS library