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Site Footer

sacarney edited this page Jul 26, 2017 · 8 revisions

The ISU Theme recommends the following footer format:

  1. Affiliates & Associates
  2. Contact
  3. Social
  4. Legal

This theme uses the following Blocks in Regions:

  1. Footer First
    1. Footer Associates Block (Custom)
    2. Associates Menu (Menu)
  2. Footer Second
    1. Footer Contact Block (Custom)
  3. Footer Third
    1. Social Menu (Menu)
  4. Footer Fourth
    1. Footer Legal Block (Custom)
    2. Legal Menu (Menu)

You may need to create and configure these Blocks yourself.

Creating Blocks

The procedure for creating Blocks is the same for most types of Blocks

  1. Structure > Block Layout
  2. Find the Region where the Block should appear and click 'Place block'
  3. Find the block in the list, or '+ Add custom block'
  4. If you need a Menu Block, you must create the menu first. Structure > Menus

Footer Associates Block

Create a Custom block and name it Footer Associates Block. This block should just contain the Iowa State University stacked wordmark as a link to

Associates Menu

This should be a list of departmental and university affiliates. Create a Menu with the title Associates Menu.

Footer Contact Block

Create a Custom block and name it Footer Contact Block. Provide complete contact info in the following format:

Department of Lorem Ipsum
2221 Wanda Daley Dr
Ames, IA 50011

[email protected]
515-294-4111 phone
515-294-4111 fax

TODO: Populate this block content with information gathered in Theme Settings

Social Menu

This is a list of links to social media accounts. Create a menu and name it Social Menu. The them will automatically detect the social network and add the appropriate icon. If the social network is not supported, no icon will appear.

Supported social networks:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Github
  • Google+
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Reddit
  • Snapchat
  • Vimeo
  • Tumblr
  • Twitch
  • Vine
  • Flickr
  • Behance
  • Bitbucket
  • RSS feed

For Developers

The icons Font Awesome icons added with CSS. The css file containing all icons is css/isu-social.css. It is not recommended to modify this file directly. Instead use a sub-theme. More social media platforms may be supported in future updates.

Footer Legal Block

This block contains Iowa State University's copyright. Create a Custom Block and name it Footer Legal Block.

Please use this exact content:

Copyright © 1995-2015 Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved

Legal Menu

This Menu Block must contain required Iowa State University legal links. Create a Menu and name it Legal Menu. Use the following links in this order: 2. Non-discrimination Policy - 3. Privacy Policy -

  1. Digital Access & Accessibility -
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