The main purpose is to upload a file of cities and then search by their name and admin_name
Ensure to get unused the next ports:
- 9200
- 8000
- 5434
- 6379
If you want to keep using those ports you must to change their values on docker-compose.yml file
To start the application:
$ cp base/.env.example base/.env
$ docker-compose up
You must keep open the terminal in order to see the application logs
And then initialize the database in another shell
$ docker-compose exec cities python migrate
$ docker-compose restart django-q
The second command will ensure that the scheduler has their migrations loaded The application is ready to receive requests on port 8000
Next we have the main features.
Replace [file_location] with the full path of the file. A file example here
$ curl --request POST 'http://localhost:8000/cities/upload/' --form 'file=@"[file_location]"'
The application will store the cities on postgresql and elasticsearch asynchronously using redis
$ curl -L -X GET 'http://localhost:8000/cities?page=1'
You can change the page param to get more data.
$ curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8000/cities/search/?q=Cauca'
You can change the q param to get more data. For example Cali or Buena
$ docker-compose exec cities python test
It is a restriction that the containers must be running to test the aplication. Especially es01 container.