It is MultiThreaded Server means with help of threads from threadpool it can handle several request parallelly and serve them, if no. of client > no. of threads then it will put them into queue and serve them accordingly.
- First a ThreadPool is implemented(A thread pool is a group of pre-instantiated, idle threads which stand ready to be given work)
- It is implemented in 2 files i.e threadPool.h and threadPool.cpp ----> it is generic threadPool Library.
- To create threads and mutex(to do synchronization) ,pthread library available in C is used.
- To put the all threads to sleep or to avoid busy waiting ,condition variable is used.
- Only 100 Maximum no. of threads allowed to create in threadPool, you can change it.
Part2:Server and Parse
- In this Section, just connection is created, create the threadPool and pass the request to Parse.cpp.
- Parse.cpp we get the Request HTTP Header and read the information present in Http Header.
- Then according to the request , We Prepare the Http response Header and read the data as requested and finally send the data.
- Following are images are ScreenShot of HTTp Request and Response Header.
- first run makefile to compile the all files -- make command
- write command in terminal ./main 9999(any portNo u can give in input) or
- run only with ./main (without argument then it will take default PortNo=9923)