A Facebook Clone App created using the MERN stack - MongoDB, Express, React, Node.JS
The purpose of the project is to recreate Facebook as closely as possible using modern technologies. The motivation behind the project was the gain of experience and improvement of skillset using the MERN stack.
This link directs you to the recorded demo of the application: https://youtu.be/G-HTQDmvhG4
- MongoDB - version 4.4
- Express - version 4.17.1
- React - version 17.0.1
- Node.JS - version 14.15.4
- Additional Technologies:
- Pusher API
- Firebase
The application is built to run on a local environment - it does not need to be deployed. You need to run the Frontend and Backend separately. Instructions on how to do so will be included in their respective directories.
List of features ready and TODOs for future development
- Login functionality
- Status Posting functionality
- Frontend is connected to the Backend
- Updates the DB in real time
- Completed Frontend styling and design
To-do list:
- Navigation Links functionality
- Post interaction functionality
The project may be continued at a later date. Since the purpose of the project was practice using MERN, all of the original Facebook functionality may not be added.
This project was inspired by and based on the work of @drakosi99. Great appreciation for his tutorials.
Created by Isen Kasa.