Note: This work is in active development and likely to change considerably, including split / merge to other repositories.
Provides implementation of scripts for harvesting content from repositories, placing the content in a postgres database, relations in a Solr index, a Fast-API implementation for accessing the content and a simple UI for viewing.
Follow the instructions in
Before code is allowed to merge, it needs to pass flake8 and mypy checks. You may follow the instructions on how to install and run these locally. Additionally, you may run the black python formatter on new code to ensure the formatting matches the rest of the project.
If you don't want to worry about running everything locally, you can tunnel remote services with ssh. For example, with these two ssh tunnels:
ssh <username> -p 1657 -L8984:localhost:9983
ssh <username> -p 1657 -L6432:localhost:5432
we would end up with iSB config that looks like
db_url = "postgresql+psycopg2://isb_writer:<password>@localhost:6432/isb_1"
solr_url = "http://localhost:8984/solr/isb_core_records/"
Note that you'll want that config file to be named isb_web_config.env
and located in the working directory of where
you run whatever script you're working on. After that, run the script with
poetry run python --config isb_web_config.env
If you'd prefer to run everything locally, follow this.
Install Postgres and Solr, e.g.:
brew install postgres
brew install solr
Edit solr configuration to start in cloud mode:
edit /usr/local/Cellar/solr/8.8.2/homebrew.mxcl.solr.plist
and add:
under <key>ProgramArguments</key>
Start Solr and postgres:
brew services start postgres
brew services start solr
Given that the iSamples Central database is pretty large, you'll want to start with a dump of the existing iSamples Central database rather than attempting to recreate it by hand. Note that these steps do take quite some time to run, so don't be alarmed if it seems like nothing is happening.
The first thing you'll want to do is dump the postgres database (or grab it from /var/local/data/
on The following command will dump an existing iSC postgres database and create a .sql
file that you will load up in your local database:
pg_dump -a -U isb_writer -h localhost -d isb_1 > isamples_data_only.sql
-- note that the -a
switch specifies data-only. Given the history of the project and the rate at which things change, it is safer to not include the table creation statements in the dumped .sql file.
Then, you'll want to transfer that dumped file to your local machine. It's likely faster to gzip it first on the server and gunzip it locally. Once you've transferred to your local machine, bringing up a local Docker iSB container will create the necessary tables and indexes so that the load may proceed. After you've done that (and created the necessary tables and indexes), you may load up the postgres dump like so:
psql -d isb_1 -f isamples_data_only.sql
Create a python virtual environment, checkout the source, and run poetry install.
mkvirtualenv isb-dev
git clone [email protected]:isamplesorg/isamples_inabox.git
cd isamples_inabox
git checkout -b origin/develop
poetry install
If running locally, create a database, e.g:
psql postgres
CREATE USER isb_writer WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'some_password';
Create a config file, e.g.:
# cat isb.cfg
db_url = "postgresql+psycopg2://isb_writer:some_password@localhost/isb_1"
max_records = 1000
If running locally, create a solr collection isb_core_records
solr create -c isb_core_records
Then run the schema creation script against your local solr instance:
python scripts/solr_schema_init/
Populate the database with 5000 SESAR records:
workon isb-dev #activate virtual environment if necessary
sesar_things --config isb.cfg load -m 5000
Populate the solr index with relations in those SESAR records:
sesar_things --config isb.cfg relations
Run the fastAPI server in dev mode like:
workon isb-dev #activate virtual environment if necessary
python isb_web/
Navigate to http://localhost:8000/