For Harvard CS50x's final project, I have set up a Flask dashboard that displays Eurovision Song Contest results. I wanted to learn how to set up Plotly charts inside a Flask web application. Udacity's data scientist nanodegree program - particularly its web development lesson module - inspired the development of this project.
This dashboard displays the number of times each country has won Eurovision, as well as Eurovision Grand Final contest placements by country. However, the dashboard does not display semi-final contest results. I also have not displayed voting results by jury and televote.
- Flask
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Plotly
This list of libraries is also available in the requirements.txt
Clone the repo, then run the Flask app.
$ git clone
$ cd eurovision-flask-dashboard
$ flask run
Spijkervet had already prepared a contestants.csv file within her eurovision-dataset repository. However, since that file only displays contest results up to 2023, I have manually added in results from the 2024 Grand Final.
A video showcasing this project is available at the following link: