I wish I traveled more.
I created this tool while self isolating during the Covid-19 pandemic to
help me plan imaginary trips.
You can add this app to your own website by following the instructions below
To host this app yourself you will need:
- A FourSquare API key
- An OpenWeather API key
- Clone this repository.
- Create a config file
with the following code:const Config = { // Foursquare Info clientId: '<Your clientId>', clientSecret: '<Your clientSecret>', url: 'https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/explore?near=', // OpenWeather Info OWKey: '<Your Open Weather API key>', OWUrl: 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather' } export default Config;
## Authors
* Isaac Friedman
## Acknowledgments
* Based on a project from <https://codecademy.com>