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Is it Observable

Is It observable Logo

Episode : Fluentbit the Telemetry Agent

This repository contains the files utilized during the tutorial presented in the dedicated IsItObservable episode related to Fluentbit v2.

Fluentbit Logo

What you will learn

This repository showcase the usage of Fluentbit with :

  • The Otel-demo
  • The OpenTelemetry Operator
  • Nginx ingress controller
  • Dynatrace
  • Coulple of Prometheus exporters provided by the Prometheus Operator

We will send all Telemetry data produced by the Otel-demo to Dynatrace.


The following tools need to be install on your machine :

  • jq
  • kubectl
  • git
  • gcloud ( if you are using GKE)
  • Helm

Deployment Steps in GCP

You will first need a Kubernetes cluster with 2 Nodes. You can either deploy on Minikube or K3s or follow the instructions to create GKE cluster:

1.Create a Google Cloud Platform Project

gcloud services enable --project ${PROJECT_ID}
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \
    --project ${PROJECT_ID}

2.Create a GKE cluster

gcloud container clusters create "${NAME}" --zone ${ZONE} --machine-type=e2-standard-2 --num-nodes=3 

Getting started

Dynatrace Tenant

1. Dynatrace Tenant - start a trial

If you don't have any Dyntrace tenant , then i suggest to create a trial using the following link : Dynatrace Trial Once you have your Tenant save the Dynatrace tenant hostname in the variable DT_TENANT_URL (for example :


2. Create the Dynatrace API Tokens

Create a Dynatrace token with the following scope ( left menu Acces Token):

  • ingest metrics
  • ingest OpenTelemetry traces
  • ingest logs

data token

Save the value of the token . We will use it later to store in a k8S secret

3.Clone the Github Repository
cd fluentbitv2

4.Deploy most of the components

The application will deploy the otel demo v1.2.1

chmod 777
./  --clustername "${NAME}" --dthost "${DT_TENANT_HOSTNAME}" --dttoken "${DATA_INGEST_TOKEN}"

5.Configure Fluentbit

Edit the fluentbit daemonset to expose the otlphttp port

kubectl edit ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit

add the followin port int he ports section:

- containerPort: 4318
  name: otlphttp
  protocol: TCP

now edit the fluent-bit service to add the otlphttp port:

kubectl edit svc fluent-bit -n fluentbit

Add the new port :

- name: otlphttp
  port: 4318
  protocol: TCP
  targetPort: otlphttp

6. Fluentbit pipeline

1. Logs

The current pipeline deployed is already configured to collect logs, transform the logs and send it to dynatrace.

Let's have a look at this pipeline

cat fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml

2. Add Expect after renaming the kubernetes metada

To validate our pipeline step we can utilze the Expect filter. In our case we want to make sure that the key exists in our stream :

       Name          expect
       Match         kube.*
       action warn

Let's modify our current pipeline by adding our expect step after :

  Name modify
  Match kube.*

To edit our current pipeline :

vi fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml

After applying our changes , let's apply the new version of the pipeline and restart the fluentbit agents :

kubectl apply -f fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml -n fluentbit
kubectl  rollout restart ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit

3. Let's add metrics

Collect host metrics with the node exporter plugin

Fluentbit provides a Node exporter within the fluentbit agents. let's use it to collect metrics in our current pipeline :

 name node_exporter_metrics
 tag  otel.node
 scrape_interval 2

Now that we have a input plugin collecting metrics we need to also add output plugins for our metrics:

name            prometheus_exporter
match           otel.*
port            2021

Let's modify our current pipeline and look at the port 2021 of our fluentbit agent

vi fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml

And update the pipeline of our agents :

kubectl apply -f fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml -n fluentbit
kubectl  rollout restart ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit

Now let's have a look a the metrics produced by our agent:

kubectl get pods -n fluenbit

select one of the pod and apply the following command:

kubectl port-forward <fluentbit pod id> -n fluentbit 2021:2021

open you browser and opent the page http://localhost:2021/metrics

4. Let's scrape Prometheus metrics

In the cluster the Prometheus operator has been deployed. It means that we can collect the metrics produced by the kubestate metrics exporter.

      name prometheus_scrape
      host prometheus-kube-state-metrics.default.svc
      port 8080
      tag otel.metrics
      metrics_path /metrics
      scrape_interval 10s

Let's modify our current pipeline and look at the port 2021 of our fluentbit agent

vi fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml

And update the pipeline of our agents :

kubectl apply -f fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml -n fluentbit
kubectl  rollout restart ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit

5. Let's add the fluentbit metrics

    name fluentbit_metrics
    tag  otel.fluent
    scrape_interval 2

Let's modify our current pipeline and look at the port 2021 of our fluentbit agent

vi fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml

And update the pipeline of our agents :

kubectl apply -f fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml -n fluentbit
kubectl  rollout restart ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit

6. Let's add OpenTelemetry

       name opentelemetry
       port 4318
       tag otel.otel

and add the output openTelemetry to send metrics and traces using the output OpenTelemtry:

  Name opentelemetry
  Host  ${DT_TENANT_URL}
  Port  443
  Match otel.*
  Metrics_uri  /api/v2/otlp/v1/metrics
  Traces_uri  /api/v2/otlp/v1/traces
  Logs_uri   /api/v2/otlp/v1/logs
  Log_response_payload True
  Tls On
  Tls.verify Off
  header Authorization Api-Token ${DATA_INGEST_TOKEN}
  header Content-type application/x-protobuf

Let's modify our current pipeline and look at the port 2021 of our fluentbit agent

vi fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml

And update the pipeline of our agents :

kubectl apply -f fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml -n fluentbit
kubectl  rollout restart ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit


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