This repository contains the files utilized during the tutorial presented in the dedicated IsItObservable episode related to Fluentbit v2.
What you will learn
- How to use the Fluentbit v2
This repository showcase the usage of Fluentbit with :
- The Otel-demo
- The OpenTelemetry Operator
- Nginx ingress controller
- Dynatrace
- Coulple of Prometheus exporters provided by the Prometheus Operator
We will send all Telemetry data produced by the Otel-demo to Dynatrace.
The following tools need to be install on your machine :
- jq
- kubectl
- git
- gcloud ( if you are using GKE)
- Helm
You will first need a Kubernetes cluster with 2 Nodes. You can either deploy on Minikube or K3s or follow the instructions to create GKE cluster:
gcloud services enable --project ${PROJECT_ID}
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \
--project ${PROJECT_ID}
gcloud container clusters create "${NAME}" --zone ${ZONE} --machine-type=e2-standard-2 --num-nodes=3
If you don't have any Dyntrace tenant , then i suggest to create a trial using the following link : Dynatrace Trial
Once you have your Tenant save the Dynatrace tenant hostname in the variable DT_TENANT_URL
(for example :
Create a Dynatrace token with the following scope ( left menu Acces Token):
- ingest metrics
- ingest OpenTelemetry traces
- ingest logs
cd fluentbitv2
The application will deploy the otel demo v1.2.1
chmod 777
./ --clustername "${NAME}" --dthost "${DT_TENANT_HOSTNAME}" --dttoken "${DATA_INGEST_TOKEN}"
Edit the fluentbit daemonset to expose the otlphttp port
kubectl edit ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit
add the followin port int he ports section:
- containerPort: 4318
name: otlphttp
protocol: TCP
now edit the fluent-bit service to add the otlphttp port:
kubectl edit svc fluent-bit -n fluentbit
Add the new port :
- name: otlphttp
port: 4318
protocol: TCP
targetPort: otlphttp
The current pipeline deployed is already configured to collect logs, transform the logs and send it to dynatrace.
Let's have a look at this pipeline
cat fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml
To validate our pipeline step we can utilze the Expect
In our case we want to make sure that the key exists in our stream :
Name expect
Match kube.*
action warn
Let's modify our current pipeline by adding our expect step after :
Name modify
Match kube.*
To edit our current pipeline :
vi fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml
After applying our changes , let's apply the new version of the pipeline and restart the fluentbit agents :
kubectl apply -f fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml -n fluentbit
kubectl rollout restart ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit
Fluentbit provides a Node exporter within the fluentbit agents. let's use it to collect metrics in our current pipeline :
name node_exporter_metrics
tag otel.node
scrape_interval 2
Now that we have a input plugin collecting metrics we need to also add output plugins for our metrics:
name prometheus_exporter
match otel.*
port 2021
Let's modify our current pipeline and look at the port 2021 of our fluentbit agent
vi fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml
And update the pipeline of our agents :
kubectl apply -f fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml -n fluentbit
kubectl rollout restart ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit
Now let's have a look a the metrics produced by our agent:
kubectl get pods -n fluenbit
select one of the pod and apply the following command:
kubectl port-forward <fluentbit pod id> -n fluentbit 2021:2021
open you browser and opent the page http://localhost:2021/metrics
In the cluster the Prometheus operator has been deployed. It means that we can collect the metrics produced by the kubestate metrics exporter.
name prometheus_scrape
host prometheus-kube-state-metrics.default.svc
port 8080
tag otel.metrics
metrics_path /metrics
scrape_interval 10s
Let's modify our current pipeline and look at the port 2021 of our fluentbit agent
vi fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml
And update the pipeline of our agents :
kubectl apply -f fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml -n fluentbit
kubectl rollout restart ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit
name fluentbit_metrics
tag otel.fluent
scrape_interval 2
Let's modify our current pipeline and look at the port 2021 of our fluentbit agent
vi fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml
And update the pipeline of our agents :
kubectl apply -f fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml -n fluentbit
kubectl rollout restart ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit
name opentelemetry
port 4318
tag otel.otel
and add the output openTelemetry to send metrics and traces using the output OpenTelemtry:
Name opentelemetry
Port 443
Match otel.*
Metrics_uri /api/v2/otlp/v1/metrics
Traces_uri /api/v2/otlp/v1/traces
Logs_uri /api/v2/otlp/v1/logs
Log_response_payload True
Tls On
Tls.verify Off
header Authorization Api-Token ${DATA_INGEST_TOKEN}
header Content-type application/x-protobuf
Let's modify our current pipeline and look at the port 2021 of our fluentbit agent
vi fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml
And update the pipeline of our agents :
kubectl apply -f fluentbit/fluent-bit_initial.yaml -n fluentbit
kubectl rollout restart ds fluent-bit -n fluentbit