Releases: iris-edu/stationxml-validator
Rule 304 updated from error into warning
Update the dependencies.
Add additional Units
Turn errors to warnings.
Update dependencies
Resolve additional rules 406, 424
Update rule 222 from error to a warning.
Update rule 305 from an error to a warning.
Station-Validator 1.7.1 production stationxml validator for 2020 and 2021.
Clean Up
Production Release
Remove M from rule 321
Address issue 110
Address issue 109
Remove condition 417
Merge PR 104
Fix the 416 bug. Triggering on polynomials.
Remove BDO from validation exempt list.
Address issue #95: Automatically detects stationxml files assumes all other input files are dataless.
Address issue #85: Command line arguments are not ignored and processed in order.
Address Issue #92: hit/(cm**2*hour) to the unit list.
Address issue #97: by including rule 320
Address issue #96: by including rule 321
Address issue #101: by including rule 423
Address issue #102: by including rule 417
Address issue #100: Orders validator's output messages
Address issue #75: Include nested messaging
Address issue #75: Updated validator rule wording.
Address issue #75: Update Validator Output messaging.
Split rules 332 to 332 333 and 334 to deal with ENZ orthogonal codes.
Unit test have been included for all updates and can be found in individual commits. Each commit comes with an embedded unit test.
Documentation has been updated by commit 76a8e6a.
Note: Channel Code LDO has been removed from restriction R1.