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Package Installation

Manoch Bahavar edited this page Feb 9, 2021 · 9 revisions

This is an IRIS DMC Python code package to produce animations and figures of seismicity similar to those of the Aftershocks data product ( The main script in this package (src/ can be configured via its parameter file (param/ or command line arguments.

Currently package is configured to use the FDSN event service from USGS to get the base event information. Then it queries the Global CMT (GCMT) catalog and will attempt to associate GCMT events with the FDSN event. If an association is established, the FDSN event is replaced with the GCMT event. User may also select to plot the remaining unassociated GCMT events (if any). Changing the FDSN ( event service provider should be as simple as changing the parameters. However, some data centers may have slightly different configuration and as a result, switching to a different FDSN event service provider may require further tuning.


   this package has been tested under Python 3.8.3, Anaconda3-2020.07 on macOS 10.14.6, Windows 10.1903,
      and Linux CentOS7 (may work with older 3 versions).

   additional required Python module(s) with the tested versions:
    - basemap              (tested with version 1.2.2)
    - basemap-data-hires   (tested with version 1.2.2)
    - ffmpeg               (tested with version 4.3.1)
    - matplotlib           (tested with version 3.3.1)
    - netCDF4              (tested with version 1.5.4)
    - numpy                (tested with version 1.19.1)
    - obspy                (tested with version 1.2.2)
    - pillow               (tested with version 7.2.0)
    - scipy                (tested with version 1.5.2)


   This package uses ETOPO1 (a 1 arc-minute global relief model of Earth's surface) to draw topography when needed.
   For this, it uses the ETOPO1 built using GMT 4.3.1 (ETOPO1_Ice_g_gmt4.grd, available from the NOAA website:

   The ETOPO1 file (~1 GB) should be download from NOAA at above URL and saved under the "assets" directory.
   If you have the file saved in another location, make sure to point the parameter file to that location
   (see the "topo_file" parameter in the parameter file).



        . "src" directory contains the main code.
        . The parameter file is under the "param" directory.
        . "lib" directory has the library Python files.
        . "assets" empty reserved for the ETOPO1 file (~1 GB), should be downloaded from NOAA (see ETOPO REQUIREMENTS).


    With Python configured, you should be able to run the package examples without further modifications. However:
    - if necessary, update the Python path on the first line of the src/
    - if desired, configure the package by updating param/ file
    - For the conda version of Basemap, it needs the "PROJ_LIB" variable to be set so it can find the epsg data.
      You can either set the environment variable "PROJ_LIB" to ""{your anaconda path}/share/proj" or place the
      "os.environ['PROJ_LIB'] = '{your anaconda path}/share/proj'" statement just before importing the Basemap in the
      main code.


NOTE: Currently etopo is outputting "Clipping input data" message that we are working on and is not
affecting the output.

Run src/python with "-h" option (assuming you have properly configured your Python
installation) and it will print a USAGE messages.

python src/python -h

Run  "src/ -e us7000asvb -p 1 -x"  to create a Seismicity plot within 10 days of the M 7.8
Alaska event of July 22. The plot will appear under the image directory.

python src/python -e us7000asvb -p 1 -x

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