An oversimplified bank application to illustrate using property-based testing with HTTP APIs.
$ rebar3 compile
The API specification is defined in the openapi.yaml
It is also published in SwaggerHub for a nicer and more user-friendly view of the API.
Install the OpenAPI generator by running:
curl > /usr/local/bin/openapitools/openapi-generator-cli
chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/openapi-generator-cli
Once the OpenAPI generate CLI is available in your path run the following command to generate the boilerplate code for your HTTP server.
openapi-generator-cli generate -g erlang-server -i openapi.yaml -o apps/bank --additional-properties packageName=bank
Edit the
file so that it indicates the bank_app
module in the mod
entry: {mod, {bank_app, []}
Then change the bank_app:start/2
function as follows:
start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
Opts = #{transport_opts => [{ip,{127,0,0,1}},{port,8080}]},
bank_server:start(bank_http_server, Opts),
Run the following command to generate the property-based testing application:
openapi-generator-cli generate -g erlang-proper -i openapi.yaml -o apps/bank_proper --additional-properties packageName=bank_proper
Since the HTTP server is started in port 8080
we will need to change
the value for the host
environment variable in
to {host, "http://localhost:8080"}
First start the bank
application's HTTP server with rebar3 shell
from the top level directory.
Then start the proper tests by running rebar3 proper
in the