##NAME p2diff -- Shows the differences between two p2 repositories
[$] cd org.eclipse.equinox.p2.example.p2diff.releng [$] mvn clean install
The artifacts will be built in org.eclipse.equinox.p2.example.p2diff.packaging/target/products/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.example.p2diff.product/
##USAGE p2diff [options] repository1 repository2
##DESCRIPTION Loads two p2 repositories and pretty prints the differences. The tool can be configured for high level differences, or it can show more detailed information about how specific IUs have changed.
The following options are available: -h Displays this message -onlylatest Only operate on the latest version of each IU -ignorecase When comparing IUs, the IDs are compared in a case insenstive way -mode=all Compare all IUs regardless of their ID -mode=ignoreVersions If an IU in each repository has the same ID, consider them equal, regardless of their version. -mode=deep If an IU in each repository has the same ID, compare the contents of the IU. -query=all Operate on ALL the IUs in a repository -query=groups Only operate on IUs that are marked as GROUPS -query=categorized Only operate on IUs that have been explicitly categorized -category=Category Used in conjunction with -query=categorized. This will only print IUs in a specific category
##EXAMPLE USAGE Print the differences between the Juno and Indigo releases, but only show the items in the Programming Languages category.
./p2diff -query=categorized -mode=ignoreVersions -category=Programming Languages -onlylatest http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo
##LICENSE p2Diff is licensed under the EPL. Copyright EclipseSource 2012. Maintained by Ian Bull.