Python 2.7
Numpy is required: for instance: pip install numpy
DolphinnPy provides with a simple, yet efficient method for the problem of computing an (approximate) nearest neighbor in high dimensions. The algorithm is based on, where we show linear space and sublinear query for a specific setting of parameters.
First, N points are randomly mapped to keys in {0,1}^K, for K<=logN, by making use of the Hypeplane LSH family. Then, for a given query, candidate nearest neighbors are the ones within a small hamming radius with respect to their keys. Our approach resembles the multi-probe LSH approach but it differs on how the list of candidates is computed.
Files: reads files, builds data structure, executes queries. data structure constructor, queries method. various useful functions. linear scan for validation purposes.
Hardcoded parameters (in
K: new dimension - key bit length. num_of_probes: how many buckets are allowed to be visited. M: how many candidate points are allowed to be examined.
Dataset, queryset files paths are in the script: in fvecs format. Requires input from
How to run: python
Preprocesses dataset, then runs Dolphinn and brute-force search on all queries. Prints K, preprocessing and average-query times. Prints multiplicative approximation, number of exact answers.
Some tasks:
Fix K, change num_of_probes and M: try to increase number of exact answers/decrease multiplicative approximation.
Fix num_of_probes and M, change K: try to increase number of exact answers/decrease multiplicative approximation.
After reading the files, the script calls an isotropize function for both sets. Run the script after commenting out these two lines.