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Add test functions to test LSP Inlay Hints
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Booksbaum committed May 15, 2022
1 parent 1656771 commit fc6ca7a
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Showing 3 changed files with 267 additions and 6 deletions.
250 changes: 245 additions & 5 deletions test/FsAutoComplete.Tests.Lsp/InlayHintTests.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ open Utils.ServerTests
open FsAutoComplete.Core
open FsAutoComplete.Lsp

module InlayHints =
module private InlayHints =
open Utils.Server
open Utils.Tests
open Utils.Utils
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module InlayHints =
| [||] -> ()
| diags -> failtest $"Should not have had check errors, but instead had %A{diags}"

let! actual = Document.inlayHintsAt range doc
let! actual = Document.fsharpInlayHintsAt range doc
Expect.equal actual expected "Expected the given set of hints"
let check (server: CachedServer) (documentText: string) (expectedHints: _ list) = async {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ module InlayHints =
do! check' server text range expected

let param (name: string) = (name, InlayHintKind.Parameter)
let ty (name: string) = (name, InlayHintKind.Type)
let private param (name: string) = (name, InlayHintKind.Parameter)
let private ty (name: string) = (name, InlayHintKind.Type)

let tests state =
let private fsharpInlayHintsTests state =
serverTestList (nameof Core.InlayHints) state defaultConfigDto None (fun server -> [
testList "type hint" [
testCaseAsync "let-bound function parameter type hints"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,6 +548,246 @@ let tests state =

module private LspInlayHints =
open Utils.Server
open Utils.Tests
open Utils.Utils
open Utils.TextEdit
open Ionide.LanguageServerProtocol.Types

let checkInRange
(server: CachedServer)
(text: string)
(range: Range)
(validateInlayHints: Document -> string -> InlayHint[] -> Async<unit>)
= async {
let! (doc, diags) = server |> Server.createUntitledDocument text
use doc = doc
// Expect.isEmpty diags "Should not have had check errors"
Expect.hasLength diags 0 "Should not have had check errors"

let! hints = doc |> Document.inlayHintsAt range
do! validateInlayHints doc text hints

let private validateHint
(doc: Document)
(expectedBase: InlayHint)
(textAfterEdits: string option)
(text: string)
(actual: InlayHint)
= async {
// Edits are checked by applying -> only check Edits None or Some
let mkDummyEdits o = o |> Option.bind (fun _ -> Some [||])
let ignoreData (hint: InlayHint) = { hint with Data = None }

let actualWithoutEdits = { actual with TextEdits = mkDummyEdits actual.TextEdits } |> ignoreData
let expectedWithoutExpected = { expectedBase with TextEdits = mkDummyEdits textAfterEdits }

Expect.equal actualWithoutEdits expectedWithoutExpected "Hint doesn't match expectations (Note: `TextEdits` are handled separately. Here just `None` or `Some`)"

match actual.TextEdits, textAfterEdits with
| Some edits, Some textAfterEdits ->
let appliedText =
|> TextEdits.applyWithErrorCheck (edits |> List.ofArray)
|> Flip.Expect.wantOk "TextEdits are erroneous"
Expect.equal appliedText textAfterEdits "Text after applying TextEdits does not match expected"
| _ -> ()

//TODO: handle capabilities
//TODO: en/disable?
let toResolve =
{ actual with
Tooltip = None
TextEdits = None
let! resolved = doc |> Document.resolveInlayHint toResolve
Expect.equal resolved actual "`textDocument/inlayHint` and `inlayHint/resolve` should result in same InlayHint"

//todo: compare with AddExplicitType?

let rangeMarker = "$|"

let checkAllInMarkedRange
(server: CachedServer)
(textWithCursors: string)
(expected: (InlayHint * (string option)) list)
= async {
let (text, cursors) =
|> Text.trimTripleQuotation
|> Cursors.extractGroupedWith [| rangeMarker; Cursor.Marker |]
let range =
let poss =
|> Map.tryFind rangeMarker
|> Flip.Expect.wantSome "There should be range markers"
Expect.hasLength poss 2 "There should be two range markers"
{ Start = poss[0]; End = poss[1] }
let cursors =
|> Map.tryFind Cursor.Marker
|> Flip.Expect.wantSome "There should be range markers"
Expect.hasLength cursors (expected.Length) $"Number of Cursors & expected hints don't match ({cursors.Length} cursors, {expected.Length} expected hints)"
let expected = expected cursors
|> (fun ((hint, textAfterEdits), cursor) ->
let hint = { hint with Position = cursor}
(hint, textAfterEdits)

let validateHints doc (text: string) (hints: InlayHint[]) = async {
Expect.hasLength hints expected.Length "Number of actual hints and expected hints don't match"

for (actual, (expected, textAfterEdits)) in hints expected do
do! validateHint doc expected textAfterEdits text actual

do! checkInRange server text range validateHints

let private fromCursor: Position = { Line = -1; Character = -1 }

let private mkBasicHint
(kind: InlayHintKind)
(pos: Position)
(label: string)
: InlayHint
Kind = Some kind
Position = pos
Label = InlayHintLabel.String label
TextEdits = None
Tooltip = None
PaddingLeft = match kind with | InlayHintKind.Type -> Some true | _ -> None
PaddingRight = match kind with | InlayHintKind.Parameter -> Some true | _ -> None
Data = None
let paramHint
(paramName: string)
let label = $"{paramName} ="
let hint = mkBasicHint InlayHintKind.Parameter fromCursor label
(hint, None)
let typeHint
(typeName: string)
(expectedAfterEdits: string)
let label = $": {typeName}"
let hint = mkBasicHint InlayHintKind.Type fromCursor label
let expectedAfterEdits =
|> Text.trimTripleQuotation
(hint, Some expectedAfterEdits)

open LspInlayHints
let private paramHintTests state =
serverTestList "param hints" state defaultConfigDto None (fun server -> [
testCaseAsync "can show param hint" <|
checkAllInMarkedRange server
let f beta = ()
$|f $042$|
paramHint "beta"
let private typeHintTests state =
serverTestList "type hints" state defaultConfigDto None (fun server -> [
testCaseAsync "can show type hint" <|
checkAllInMarkedRange server
$|let f beta$0 = beta + 1$|
typeHint "int"
let f (beta: int) = beta + 1
let private mixedHintTests state =
serverTestList "inlay hints" state defaultConfigDto None (fun server -> [
testCaseAsync "can show all hints" <|
checkAllInMarkedRange server
$|open System
let f alpha$0 beta$0 =
let beta$0 = Int32.Parse beta
let value$0 = alpha + beta + 2
value * 2
let res$0 = f $042 $0"13" + f $01 $0"2"$|
typeHint "int"
open System
let f (alpha: int) beta =
let beta = Int32.Parse beta
let value = alpha + beta + 2
value * 2
let res = f 42 "13" + f 1 "2"
typeHint "string"
open System
let f alpha (beta: string) =
let beta = Int32.Parse beta
let value = alpha + beta + 2
value * 2
let res = f 42 "13" + f 1 "2"
typeHint "int"
open System
let f alpha beta =
let beta: int = Int32.Parse beta
let value = alpha + beta + 2
value * 2
let res = f 42 "13" + f 1 "2"
typeHint "int"
open System
let f alpha beta =
let beta = Int32.Parse beta
let value: int = alpha + beta + 2
value * 2
let res = f 42 "13" + f 1 "2"
typeHint "int"
open System
let f alpha beta =
let beta = Int32.Parse beta
let value = alpha + beta + 2
value * 2
let res: int = f 42 "13" + f 1 "2"
paramHint "alpha"
paramHint "beta"
paramHint "alpha"
paramHint "beta"
let private inlayHintTests state =
testList "LSP InlayHints" [
paramHintTests state
typeHintTests state
mixedHintTests state

let tests state =
testList (nameof InlayHint) [
fsharpInlayHintsTests state
inlayHintTests state

open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
open FSharp.Compiler.Text
open Utils.TextEdit
Expand Down
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion test/FsAutoComplete.Tests.Lsp/Utils/Server.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -321,11 +321,24 @@ module Document =
return res |> assertOk

let inlayHintsAt range (doc: Document) = async {
let fsharpInlayHintsAt range (doc: Document) = async {
let ps: FSharpInlayHintsRequest = {
Range = range
TextDocument = doc.TextDocumentIdentifier
let! res = doc.Server.Server.FSharpInlayHints(ps)
return res |> assertOk

let inlayHintsAt range (doc: Document) = async {
let ps: InlayHintParams = {
Range = range
TextDocument = doc.TextDocumentIdentifier
let! res = doc.Server.Server.TextDocumentInlayHint ps
return res |> assertOk
let resolveInlayHint inlayHint (doc: Document) = async {
let! res = doc.Server.Server.InlayHintResolve inlayHint
return res |> assertOk
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions test/FsAutoComplete.Tests.Lsp/Utils/TextEdit.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -381,6 +381,14 @@ module TextEdits =
let edits = edits |> sortByRange |> List.rev
List.fold (fun text edit -> text |> Result.bind (TextEdit.apply edit)) (Ok text) edits

/// `tryFindError` before `apply`
let applyWithErrorCheck edits text =
match tryFindError edits with
| Some error -> Error error
| None ->
|> apply edits

module WorkspaceEdit =
/// Extract `TextEdit[]` from either `DocumentChanges` or `Changes`.
/// All edits MUST be for passed `textDocument`.
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