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@brandyscarney brandyscarney released this 28 Sep 17:19

RC0 requires changes to the structure of your app. To get started updating your app see the upgrade steps section below.

New Features

  • Ionic 2 API finalized for 2.0.0 release
  • Angular 2.0.0 (final!)
  • ionViewCanEnter / CanLeave lifecycle events
  • FAB Button lists
  • Ahead of Time (AoT) compiler ready
  • Components can now individually set a mode, which means an app can mix and match iOS / Material Design / Windows Platform modes if that’s desired.
  • Typescript 2.0
  • @types support for third-party libraries
  • Move away from gulp to @ionic/app-scripts
  • Use Rollup for bundling instead of browserify or webpack


  • Angular upgrade to 2.0.0
  • Renamed Lifecycle events.
  • Storage has been removed from ionic-angular and into a separate module, @ionic/storage.
    Starters have been updated to add this, make sure to add it to your package.json if you’re using the storage system. See more details here.
  • Nav transitions are queued. For more info on what this means for you see this section.
  • Removed Tabs preloadTabs ability. This is no longer needed with the Ahead of Time (AoT) compiler.
  • Icons in buttons require an attribute on the parent button in order to style them.
  • Platform and mode CSS classes have been moved from the element to the element.
  • select: Select’s alertOptions input has been renamed to selectOptions. See more details here.
  • colors: Colors should be passed in the color input on components, not added
    individually as an attribute on the component. See more details here.
  • buttons: <button> becomes <button ion-button>. See more details here and here.
  • Head link tags for CSS files are no longer dynamically updated, but one CSS file is imported.
    (Future build processes will narrow down the CSS file further to only include what’s used). See more details here.
  • The <scroll-content> element, which is internal to <ion-content>, has been renamed to
    <div class=”scroll-content”> since it was neither a directive nor a web component.
  • <ion-fixed> has been removed, use <div ion-fixed> instead.
  • scss: Changes to how sass/scss is imported. See more details here.
  • typings: We have stopped using the typings tool and have migrated to npm @types. See more details here.

Lifecycle Events Renamed

Renamed ionViewLoaded to ionViewDidLoad
Removed ionViewDidUnload
Removed fireOtherLifecycles from ViewController

Nav Transitions

Nav transitions are now queued. Meaning if you run:


Page1 will transition in, then immediately Page2 will transition in. There can never be two transitions happening at the same time.

Page transition promises can now possibly reject the returned promises. Used mainly for ionViewCanEnter and ionViewCanLeave.

Component Colors

Colors are no longer added directly to a component, they should instead be passed in the color attribute.

For example:

<ion-tabs primary>


<ion-tabs color="primary">

Or to bind an expression to color:

<ion-navbar [color]="barColor">
  templateUrl: 'build/pages/about/about.html'
export class AboutPage {
  barColor: string;

  constructor(private nav: NavController, platform: Platform) {
    this.barColor ='android') ? 'primary' : 'light';

Components with this property:
Item (Item, Item Divider, List Header)
Typography (headers, paragraphs, spans, etc.)

Reason for this change:
It was difficult to dynamically add colors to components, especially if the name of the color attribute was unknown in the template.
This change keeps the css flat since we aren’t chaining color attributes on components and instead we assign a class to the component which includes the color’s name.
This allows you to easily toggle a component between multiple colors.
Speeds up performance because we are no longer reading through all of the attributes to grab the color ones.

Select Changes

Select’s alertOptions input has been renamed to selectOptions. It now allows you to pass options for either the alert or action-sheet
interface. Refer to their documentation for the options each of them


New Behavior of Button

<button> becomes <button ion-button>
<a button> becomes <a ion-button>
<button ion-item> does not get the ion-button attribute
Buttons inside of <ion-item-options> do get the ion-button attribute

Reason for this change:
It was difficult to have custom buttons since buttons automatically received the Ionic styles - the user can now take advantage of adding their own styling to a button if they want it to behave differently than the Ionic button.
Keeping the <a> and <button> element and adding ion-button as an attribute gives us the ability to take advantage of the native functionality and built-in accessibility of native elements. If Ionic provided an we’d have to copy over all the possible attributes and events to the real nested button/link (type=submit, formnovalidate, value, autofocus, href, target, focus/blur, download, nofollow, ping, tel:86705309, etc). Additionally, ng2 does not have the “replace” directive where could be turned into .
Since button was already being used as an attribute to the <a> element, this is more consistent between the two.
If a navPush or navPop directive is on an <a ion-button>, Ionic can automatically add the href attribute.
A few reasons why we didn’t create <ion-button>

references #7467

  • button: - <button> becomes <button ion-button>
  • <a button> becomes <a ion-button>
  • <button ion-item> does not get the ion-button attribute
  • Buttons inside of <ion-item-options> do get the ion-button
  • Removed the category attribute, this should be passed in
    ion-button instead.
  • Button attributes added for icons in buttons: icon-only,
    icon-left, and icon-right

New Behavior of Icons in Buttons

Icon only buttons

  <ion-icon name=”rainy”></ion-icon>


<button ion-button icon-only>
  <ion-icon name=”rainy”></ion-icon>

Icon left of text in a button

  <ion-icon name=”rainy”></ion-icon>


<button ion-button icon-left>
  <ion-icon name=”rainy”></ion-icon>

Icon right of text in a button

  <ion-icon name=”rainy”></ion-icon>


<button ion-button icon-right>
  <ion-icon name=”rainy”></ion-icon>

Item option buttons - the icon-left attribute should still be added to the <ion-item-options> container and not the button itself.
menuToggle buttons should not get the icon-only attribute

Reason for this change:
There was a noticeable performance decrease from us reading in each button to determine where icons were placed and how to style them. This change improves performance.
This adds styling so that the buttons and icons will be padded a certain amount, but the user is free to leave these attributes off and style the components themselves.

Update CSS Link Tags

Ionic stylesheets are no longer dynamically loaded per platform. Instead there will be one CSS file to import. Note that future build processes will slim down the CSS file even further to only include component CSS actually used.

In the head of your index.html file, replace:

<!-- ionic dynamically decides which stylesheet to load -->
<link ios-href="build/css/app.ios.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link md-href="build/css/" rel="stylesheet">
<link wp-href="build/css/app.wp.css" rel="stylesheet">


<link href="build/main.css" rel="stylesheet">

Sass Import

The default configuration will be updated, but if your existing app is using Sass and importing Ionic Sass files directly you’ll need to update the includePaths of Node Sass.


Next, to include Ionic into your custom Sass file you’ll need to update the Ionic import to this:

@import "ionic.theme.default";


Any type definitions for third party libraries that are included via the typings tool and are included in the the typings.json file should
be updated to use npm @types. An example of how this looks is:

npm install @types/lodash --save-dev --save-exact

Delete the typings.json file, and the typings directory.


The storage utilities have been moved outside of the framework to a separate library called @ionic/storage.

This library can be installed by executing the following command:

npm install @ionic/storage --save --save-exact

It must be included in the app's NgModule list of providers:

import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage';


  providers: [Storage]

It can then be injected into any class that needs access to it:

import { Storage } from '@ionic/storage';


export class MyAwesomePage {
  constructor(public storage: Storage) {

  ionViewDidEnter() {'myKey').then( (value:any) => {
      console.log('My value is:', value);

Deployment Changes

ionic-angular package includes es5 code with es2015 module import/exports, umd modules, and pure es2015 code. The package.json is set up using the main and module options to make this work seamlessly.

Steps to Upgrade to RC0

We are providing 2 ways to update your app with this release. The first way will guide you through creating a new Ionic 2 project and copying your project files to it. This is the easiest way to update your app in our opinion. The second way will step through how to update your existing project. There are a lot of steps involved with this way, and we recommend viewing our conference app for any clarification if you choose this way. This is it! We don’t plan on making any more major API changes after this version.

Note: For details on NgModules you can read the Angular docs on them here

Copying Your Project to a New Project

  1. Install the latest Ionic CLI:
npm install -g ionic

Note: if you have installed the beta cli you should run npm uninstall -g ionic first.

  1. Create a new Ionic 2 RC0 app:
ionic start --v2 myApp
  1. Copy/paste all of your pages from app/pages/ of your beta.11 app to src/pages/, providers from app/providers to src/providers pipes from app/pipes to src/pipes and any custom components to src/components in the new RC0 app.
  2. Modify all templateUrl's to be relative to the .ts file. For example in app.component.ts the url should change from build/app.html to app.html and in a page referencing about.html from build/pages/about/about.html to about.html.
  3. Import and add each of your pages to the declarations array and the entryComponents array in `src/app/app.module.ts.
  4. Import and add each of your custom components to the declarations array in src/app/app.module.ts.
  5. Import and add each of your providers to the providers array in src/app/app.module.ts.
  6. Remove any use of the providers entry in @Component from your pages.
  7. Change any uses of the private TypeScript keyword to public.
  8. Change <button /> to <button ion-button /> according to these instructions.
  9. Pass colors to the color attribute : <button primary /> changes to <button color="primary" />.
  10. Move any Ionic config to the IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {configObject}) in app.module.ts where its says configObject.
  11. Move any variables from the mode specific sass files in you're beta.11 app into the app.variables file under the mode heading in the new RC0 app.

Modifying your Existing Project

  1. Install the latest Ionic CLI:
npm install -g ionic

Note: if you have installed the beta cli you should run npm uninstall -g ionic first.

  1. Update package.json dependencies and devDependencies to match the ionic2-app-base package.json, then run npm install in your project folder.
  2. Copy the npm scripts from the ionic2-app-base package.json to your package.json.
  3. Delete the gulpfile.js.
  4. Rename folder app to src.
  5. Create directory app inside of src.
  6. Move app.html and app.ts inside of src/app.
  7. Rename app.ts to app.component.ts.
  8. Add app.module.ts file and copy content from ionic2-starter-blank.
  9. Move any providers from ionicBootstrap in app.component.ts to the providers in app.module.ts. Make sure to copy imports too.
  10. Import and add any of your custom components to the declarations array in src/app/app.module.ts.
  11. Move any Ionic config to the IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {configObject}) in app.module.ts where it says configObject.
  12. Remove ionicBootstrap code from app.component.ts.
  13. Export the main app class in app.component.ts and then rename all uses of MyApp in app.module.ts to your main app class (or rename the export to MyApp in app.component.ts).
  14. Fix any imports in app.component.ts to use the correct path. For example, ./pages becomes ../pages.
  15. Modify app.module.ts to import your page specific classes. See HomePage for example. All pages should be included here.
  16. Fix any import paths in app.module.ts. For example, ./providers becomes ../providers.
  17. Add and files from ionic2-app-base to app/.
  18. Move www/index.html to src/index.html and modify it to look like ionic2-app-base, make sure to keep any external scripts you have added.
  19. Move www/assets to src/assets.
  20. Move www/img to src/assets/img.
  21. Move any other resources you have in www/ to src/assets/.
  22. Modify all templateUrl's to be relative to the .ts file. For example in app.component.ts the url should change from build/app.html to app.html and in a page referencing about.html from build/pages/about/about.html to about.html.
  23. Update .gitignore to match ionic2-app-base.
  24. Delete the typings/ folder and typings.json file.
  25. Update tsconfig.json to match ionic2-app-base.
  26. Modify theme/ folder to delete the app.core.scss file and copy app.variables.scss from the ionic2-app-base, then rename it to variables.scss.
  27. Move any variables from the mode specific files into the app.variables file under the mode heading.
  28. Fix any paths to images in your app. For example, before the path may look like <img src="img/myImg.png"> and now it should be <img src="assets/img/myImg.png">.
  29. Change any uses of the private TypeScript keyword to public.
  30. Change any Ionic buttons from <button /> to <button ion-button />, see docs above.
  31. Pass colors to the color attribute : <button primary /> changes to <button color="primary" />.
  32. Add appropriate icon attributes, if the icon is on the left of the text in a button it should get icon-left, if the icon is on the right add icon-right, and if the button only has an icon in it, add the icon-only attribute to the button. See New Behavior of Icons in Buttons

Bug Fixes

  • action-sheet: add icon-left to the button if an icon exists (a731528)
  • animation: prevent possible raf null errors (0e8ebe5)
  • app: corrected paths to theme from app.scss (001c1c9)
  • changelog: specify version of forms (82852fb)
  • checkbox: disabled toggle should not fire events or animate (3324e32)
  • di: update dependency injection and default configs (7c05d0c)
  • docs: get rid of reference to @Page (6fb848c)
  • exports: update module exports (6784f5e)
  • fab: colors in speed dial buttons (b70614b)
  • gestures: fixes scroll issue with hammer config (174efc1), closes #6897
  • ion-fixed: ion-fixed directive is not longer needed (75d5526)
  • item: regression in sliding item introduced by 52ada1c (e0c2129)
  • item: sliding item events are zone wrapped (47491fb), closes #7630
  • item: sliding item with icon-only buttons (1d3d5a1)
  • menu: open/close race condition (8585427), closes #7629 #8001
  • gulp validate passes successfully (b750e46)
  • nav: move null assignment of _onWillDismiss (35193c4)
  • nav: setRoot() and setPages() should not animate (7012734)
  • navigation: move onWillDismiss and onDidDismiss, add unit tests (e26c425)
  • platform: fire platform ready on app init (963e835)
  • reorder: adjust reorder icon style for iOS and MD (f3bb2dc)
  • templates: add template tabs #8207 (#8208) (0f6ce28)
  • urlSerializer: improve findLinkByComponentData (9d563f5)

Code Refactoring

  • button: add ion-button attribute and icon attributes to style buttons (938864e), closes #7466
  • colors: color should be added as an input instead of directly adding the color to the component (55a0257), closes #7087 #7401 #7523
  • select: rename alertOptions to selectOptions, add ability to pass them for action-sheet (b8285b7), closes #7764


  • action-sheet: add ability to pass multiple classes to cssClass (68ab261)
  • chips: added Chip component (421f637)
  • chips: finished Component (0dece72)
  • fab: update floating action buttons (490a06d)
  • itemReorder: animate reorder button (1f78487)
  • loading: add ability to pass multiple classes to cssClass (466dea3)
  • loading: add setContent function (c750847)
  • add polyfill task (ce78194)
  • nav: component url navigation (f477aa2)
  • nav: set default stack history on app init (ca8cc0a)
  • polyfills: split up code and source polyfill task (#8130) (bcec66c)
  • popover: add ability to pass multiple classes to cssClass (a685cdc)
  • toast: add ability to pass multiple classes to cssClass (79e25a3)

Performance Improvements

  • item: apply will-change only when list is active (4bcd815)
  • reorder: reorder icon is display: none by default (26441ec)
  • ripple: md ripple effect update to not affect layout (14a3ea2)