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Denis Angleton edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 4 revisions


Do I need to run Tank in AWS?

No. Tank can run in standalone mode, however, it is designed to run in the cloud and you will need to pre-start the agent instances to run tests.

Can I run the mysql database locally instead of RDS?

No. You can set up any database instance you want. If you do not use RDS you will need to arrange to back it up to prevent data loss in the case that the instance fails or is terminated unexpectedly.

Tank gets memory errors when building?

Set the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to give maven more memory.

e.g. export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1g -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

How do I log into Tank for the first time?

A user with the name admin will be created with the default password of 'admin'. This can be changed after logging in or can be specified in the settings.xml file.