This repository contains material related to a project that uses Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to determine the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) position in order to improve the fairness and efficiency of network resource allocation. It is being developed as a Scientific Initiation and Final Work for the Undergraduation of William Quintas, oriented by Prof. Dr. Christian Rothenberg.
- Download and install Python from here.
- You might make sure you have Python and that it’s available from your command line. You can check this by simply running:
$ python --version
- Additionally, you’ll need to make sure you have pip available. You can check this by running:
$ pip --version
- You might make sure you have Python and that it’s available from your command line. You can check this by simply running:
- Install Pipenv following the instructions from here.
$ pip install --user pipenv
- You can check if the installation was successful by running:
$ pipenv --version
- You can check if the installation was successful by running:
- Clone this repository.
$ git clone /path/to/repo
- Install the dependencies.
cd /path/to/repo
pipenv install
This repository files are structured as follows:
|── controllers
| |──
| |──
| |──
|── gym_envs
| |── envs
| | |──
|── utils
| |──
| |──
: folder containing the controllers. For now, only host, uav and simulation controllers were created.gym_envs
: folder used to group settings files used in Open AI Gym custom environment.utils
: folder containing utils files. It is a good practice to group functions of different entities in different utils
: main file of the repository, contains the Open AI Gym environment declaration and runs simulation (see in the section above how to run it using scripts)
: file that creates a simulation without running Open AI Gym, can be used to simply see Hosts and UAVs properties (see in the section above how to run it using scripts).
Two scripts were declared in Pipfile
: runs the full simulation
. Can be called using$ pipenv run main
: runs the simple simulation
. Can be called using$ pipenv run simple
An integration with Mininet-WiFi is being developed. For now, an example script was developed to place network nodes reading data from a CSV. More info can be found here
In the future, we aim to fully integrate the Deep Reinforcement Learning model developed with the Mininet-WiFi emulator and CoppeliaSim.
TODO: reference article