These are unofficial clamAV virus databases created by InterServer that are for use in the Clamav Virus Scanner. Automatic updating DBs sha256: interserver256.hdb - 100% known malware sha256 format hex/topline: interservertopline.db - inserts into files, manual cleaning HEX
Logical Shell lbd: shell.ldb - 99.9% known malware using logical signatures
Whielist Whitelist: whitelist.fp - MD5 checksums of false positives or common files
Original Virus DBs These dbs were originally manually kept and updated. The system is more automated now and the below will rarely update and are kept for legacy purposes. Shellb: shellb.db - original db inserts into files, manual cleaning HEX Shell MD5: shell.hdb - original db 100% known malware MD5 format