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08 Aero Network and System Administration

Paul Guermonprez edited this page May 24, 2017 · 30 revisions

Ubuntu is not supported by Intel on Aero. We are providing a Yocto based image.

But you can install it yourself. You can expect an easy installation (boot, wifi, video, storage, USB OTG work).

Some features, like the USB3 or RealSense connector, are not currently working with the default Ubuntu installation.

By default, Intel's Yocto for Aero is broadcasting a WiFi access point called 'Aero-' and Wi-Fi password is 1234567890.

The IP of Aero is (newer releases) or (older releases). Login is root, no password.

Launch a terminal and connect to aero via ssh.

ssh [email protected]
# or ssh [email protected] for older releases

On Linux it's possible to use the link-local name rather than fixed IP. Refer to the documentaiton of your distro on how to enable it; it's enabled by default on Fedora and Archlinux's documentation work on several distros:

In order to have internet access on Aero board it's possible to switch it to client mode so it connects to your Access Point instead of being an Access Point itself.

To change the wifi configuration, connect locally to Aero (with keybaord and screen, or direct USB cable).

  • To switch to Wifi client mode use the command:

    /etc/init.d/ start
  • Open the command line Wifi tool:

    wpa_cli –iwlan0
  • Scan Wifi networks, show results, add a network config, select it, set the password, enable and select it, save:

    # will return a number, ex: 1
    set_net 1 ssid "my_ssid"
    # note : if your network has spaces, use the mac adress instead
    set_net 1 bssid "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"
    set_net 1 psk "my_password"
    enable_net 1
    select_net 1
    # it will write the config in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
    ifconfig wlan0

    The result of ifconfig will give your IP address. Or you can ask your router-dhcp server what IP was assignated to Intel Aero.

  • With this method, your PC and Aero both have internet access and you can ssh to Aero. The SSID and password are saved in a file between reboots. But the board will reboot with the AP mode by default. To set the client mode as default after future reboots, type:

    update-rc.d -f remove
    update-rc.d -f defaults
  • If you want to switch back to AP mode by default at boot type:

    update-rc.d -f remove
    update-rc.d -f defaults