Frontend developer || UI/UX Designer
I'm a design-minded front-end developer passionate about building interactive web interfaces and experiences for users. I have a curious mind and love building things. Some technologies I enjoy working with includes; JavaScript, SASS, ReactJs, NodeJS, GraphQL, MongoDB. I am also a Frontend/Design Instructor.
Iβm passionate about learning! and excited by new challenges and the opportunity to develop further.
- π Pronouns: He/Him
- π± Iβm currently learning and building anything and everything around JavaScript.
- π¬ Ask me about JavaScript, CSS, React, Design, Products.
- π― I'm looking to collaborate with open source communities that would make positive impact in our world.
- β‘ Fun fact: I'm just an Industrious Introvert who want to be happy and loves to laugh.
- π« You can reach me at [email protected],