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This module runs packer from a terraform module.

Note: This is an early work and will be evolving to wrap many other packer functions and workflows.

Terraform versions

For Terraform v0.12.0+


module "this" {
    source = ""



Known issues

No issue is creating limit on this module.


Name Version
local n/a
null n/a
template n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
apply_always Bool to make it run even if there is no change in packer conf or vars. bool false no
color n/a bool true no
create Bool to create resources bool true no
debug Disables parallelization and enables debug mode. bool false no
except Run all the builds and post-processors except this list list(string) [] no
force Forces a builder to run when artifacts from a previous build prevent a build from running bool false no
on_error Selects what to do when the build fails string "cleanup" no
only Only run the builds with the given comma-separated names list(string) [] no
packer_config_path The abs path to the packer config file string n/a yes
packer_vars A map of variables to use in packer map(string) {} no
parallel_builds Limit the number of builds to run in parallel number 0 no
tags Tags that are appended map(string) {} no
timestamp_ui Enable prefixing of each ui output with an RFC3339 timestamp bool false no
var_file JSON file containing user variables string "" no
vars A map of key value pairs to be used as var option map(string) {} no


Name Description
packer_command n/a


Module managed by robc-io



Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.