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[#676] Get rid of Annotated stuff
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redxaxder authored and mhuesch committed Jan 2, 2020
1 parent 720a4dc commit 7130a99
Showing 1 changed file with 77 additions and 145 deletions.
222 changes: 77 additions & 145 deletions cardano-ledger/src/Cardano/Chain/Byron/Auxiliary.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,22 +29,17 @@ module Cardano.Chain.Byron.Auxiliary (
-- * Applying transactions
, ApplyMempoolPayloadErr(..)
, applyMempoolPayload
, mempoolPayloadRecoverBytes
, mempoolPayloadReencode
-- * Annotations
, reAnnotateBlock
, reAnnotateBoundary
, reAnnotateUsing
-- * Headers
, ABlockOrBoundaryHdr(..)
, BlockOrBoundaryHdr(..)
, aBlockOrBoundaryHdr
, fromCBORABlockOrBoundaryHdr
, abobHdrFromBlock
, abobHdrSlotNo
, abobHdrChainDifficulty
, abobHdrHash
, abobHdrPrevHash
, abobMatchesBody
, fromCBORBlockOrBoundaryHdr
, bobHdrFromBlock
, bobHdrSlotNo
, bobHdrChainDifficulty
, bobHdrHash
, bobHdrPrevHash
, bobMatchesBody
) where

import Prelude (String)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,8 +178,7 @@ mkEpochEnvironment :: Gen.Config
-> CC.ChainValidationState
-> CC.EpochEnvironment
mkEpochEnvironment cfg state = CC.EpochEnvironment {
CC.protocolMagic = reAnnotateMagicId $
Gen.configProtocolMagicId cfg
CC.protocolMagic = Gen.configProtocolMagicId cfg
, CC.k = Gen.configK cfg
, CC.allowedDelegators = allowedDelegators cfg
, CC.delegationMap = delegationMap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,7 +208,7 @@ mkBodyEnvironment :: Gen.Config
-> CC.SlotNumber
-> CC.BodyEnvironment
mkBodyEnvironment cfg params slotNo = CC.BodyEnvironment {
CC.protocolMagic = reAnnotateMagic $ Gen.configProtocolMagic cfg
CC.protocolMagic = Gen.configProtocolMagic cfg
, CC.utxoConfiguration = Gen.configUTxOConfiguration cfg
, CC.k = Gen.configK cfg
, CC.allowedDelegators = allowedDelegators cfg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,14 +260,14 @@ applyChainTick cfg slotNo state = state {
-- changes arising from processing headers come from 'applyChainTick'.
validateHeader :: MonadError CC.ChainValidationError m
=> CC.ValidationMode
-> U.Iface.State -> CC.AHeader ByteString -> m ()
-> U.Iface.State -> CC.Header -> m ()
validateHeader validationMode updState hdr =
flip runReaderT validationMode $
CC.headerIsValid updState hdr

validateBody :: MonadError CC.ChainValidationError m
=> CC.ValidationMode
-> CC.ABlock ByteString
-> CC.Block
-> CC.BodyEnvironment -> CC.BodyState -> m CC.BodyState
validateBody validationMode block bodyEnv bodyState =
flip runReaderT validationMode $
Expand All @@ -282,7 +276,7 @@ validateBody validationMode block bodyEnv bodyState =
validateBlock :: MonadError CC.ChainValidationError m
=> Gen.Config
-> CC.ValidationMode
-> CC.ABlock ByteString
-> CC.Block
-> CC.HeaderHash
-> CC.ChainValidationState -> m CC.ChainValidationState
validateBlock cfg validationMode block blkHash state = do
Expand All @@ -294,7 +288,7 @@ validateBlock cfg validationMode block blkHash state = do
-- the ledger. If we take that point of view serious, we should think about
-- what that third thing is precisely and what its responsibilities are.
case ( CC.cvsPreviousHash state
, unAnnotated $ CC.aHeaderPrevHash (CC.blockHeader block)
, CC.headerPrevHash (CC.blockHeader block)
) of
(Left gh, hh) ->
throwError $ CC.ChainValidationExpectedGenesisHash gh hh
Expand All @@ -321,10 +315,10 @@ validateBlock cfg validationMode block blkHash state = do

-- | Apply a boundary block
-- NOTE: The `cvsLastSlot` calculation must match the one in 'abobHdrSlotNo'.
-- NOTE: The `cvsLastSlot` calculation must match the one in 'bobHdrSlotNo'.
validateBoundary :: MonadError CC.ChainValidationError m
=> Gen.Config
-> CC.ABoundaryBlock ByteString
-> CC.BoundaryBlock
-> CC.ChainValidationState -> m CC.ChainValidationState
validateBoundary cfg blk state = do
-- TODO: Unfortunately, 'updateChainBoundary' doesn't take a hash as an
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,14 +359,14 @@ mkUtxoEnvironment cfg state = Utxo.Environment {
, Utxo.utxoConfiguration = Gen.configUTxOConfiguration cfg
protocolMagic = reAnnotateMagic (Gen.configProtocolMagic cfg)
protocolMagic = Gen.configProtocolMagic cfg
updateState = CC.cvsUpdateState state

mkDelegationEnvironment :: Gen.Config
-> CC.ChainValidationState
-> D.Iface.Environment
mkDelegationEnvironment cfg state = D.Iface.Environment {
D.Iface.protocolMagic = getAProtocolMagicId protocolMagic
D.Iface.protocolMagic = getProtocolMagicId protocolMagic
, D.Iface.allowedDelegators = allowedDelegators cfg
, D.Iface.k = k
-- By rights the 'currentEpoch' for checking a delegation certificate
Expand All @@ -386,23 +380,23 @@ mkDelegationEnvironment cfg state = D.Iface.Environment {
k = Gen.configK cfg
protocolMagic = reAnnotateMagic (Gen.configProtocolMagic cfg)
protocolMagic = Gen.configProtocolMagic cfg
currentSlot = CC.cvsLastSlot state
currentEpoch = CC.slotNumberEpoch (Gen.configEpochSlots cfg) currentSlot

mkUpdateEnvironment :: Gen.Config
-> CC.ChainValidationState
-> U.Iface.Environment
mkUpdateEnvironment cfg state = U.Iface.Environment {
U.Iface.protocolMagic = getAProtocolMagicId protocolMagic
U.Iface.protocolMagic = getProtocolMagicId protocolMagic
, U.Iface.k = k
, U.Iface.currentSlot = currentSlot
, U.Iface.numGenKeys = numGenKeys
, U.Iface.delegationMap = delegationMap
k = Gen.configK cfg
protocolMagic = reAnnotateMagic (Gen.configProtocolMagic cfg)
protocolMagic = Gen.configProtocolMagic cfg
currentSlot = CC.cvsLastSlot state
numGenKeys = toNumGenKeys $ Set.size (allowedDelegators cfg)
delegationMap = getDelegationMap state
Expand All @@ -420,7 +414,7 @@ mkUpdateEnvironment cfg state = U.Iface.Environment {
applyTxAux :: MonadError Utxo.UTxOValidationError m
=> CC.ValidationMode
-> Gen.Config
-> [Utxo.ATxAux ByteString]
-> [Utxo.TxAux]
-> CC.ChainValidationState -> m CC.ChainValidationState
applyTxAux validationMode cfg txs state =
flip runReaderT validationMode $
Expand All @@ -432,7 +426,7 @@ applyTxAux validationMode cfg txs state =

applyCertificate :: MonadError D.Sched.Error m
=> Gen.Config
-> [Delegation.ACertificate ByteString]
-> [Delegation.Certificate]
-> CC.ChainValidationState -> m CC.ChainValidationState
applyCertificate cfg certs state =
(`setDelegationState` state) <$>
Expand All @@ -443,7 +437,7 @@ applyCertificate cfg certs state =

applyUpdateProposal :: MonadError U.Iface.Error m
=> Gen.Config
-> Update.AProposal ByteString
-> Update.Proposal
-> CC.ChainValidationState -> m CC.ChainValidationState
applyUpdateProposal cfg proposal state =
(`setUpdateState` state) <$>
Expand All @@ -454,7 +448,7 @@ applyUpdateProposal cfg proposal state =

applyUpdateVote :: MonadError U.Iface.Error m
=> Gen.Config
-> Update.AVote ByteString
-> Update.Vote
-> CC.ChainValidationState -> m CC.ChainValidationState
applyUpdateVote cfg vote state =
(`setUpdateState` state) <$>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,20 +484,20 @@ instance ToCBOR ApplyMempoolPayloadErr where
toCBOR (MempoolUpdateVoteErr err) =
CBOR.encodeListLen 2 <> toCBOR (3 :: Word8) <> toCBOR err

instance FromCBOR ApplyMempoolPayloadErr where
fromCBOR = do
enforceSize "ApplyMempoolPayloadErr" 2
CBOR.decodeWord8 >>= \case
0 -> MempoolTxErr <$> fromCBOR
1 -> MempoolDlgErr <$> fromCBOR
2 -> MempoolUpdateProposalErr <$> fromCBOR
3 -> MempoolUpdateVoteErr <$> fromCBOR
tag -> cborError $ DecoderErrorUnknownTag "ApplyMempoolPayloadErr" tag
instance FromCBORAnnotated ApplyMempoolPayloadErr where
fromCBORAnnotated' = do
lift $ enforceSize "ApplyMempoolPayloadErr" 2
lift CBOR.decodeWord8 >>= \case
0 -> MempoolTxErr <$> fromCBORAnnotated'
1 -> MempoolDlgErr <$> lift fromCBOR
2 -> MempoolUpdateProposalErr <$> lift fromCBOR
3 -> MempoolUpdateVoteErr <$> lift fromCBOR
tag -> lift $ cborError $ DecoderErrorUnknownTag "ApplyMempoolPayloadErr" tag

applyMempoolPayload :: MonadError ApplyMempoolPayloadErr m
=> CC.ValidationMode
-> Gen.Config
-> CC.AMempoolPayload ByteString
-> CC.MempoolPayload
-> CC.ChainValidationState -> m CC.ChainValidationState
applyMempoolPayload validationMode cfg payload =
case payload of
Expand All @@ -520,130 +514,68 @@ applyMempoolPayload validationMode cfg payload =
(`wrapError` MempoolUpdateVoteErr) .
applyUpdateVote cfg vote

-- | The encoding of the mempool payload (without a 'AMempoolPayload' envelope)
mempoolPayloadRecoverBytes :: CC.AMempoolPayload ByteString -> ByteString
mempoolPayloadRecoverBytes = go
go :: CC.AMempoolPayload ByteString -> ByteString
go (CC.MempoolTx payload) = recoverBytes payload
go (CC.MempoolDlg payload) = recoverBytes payload
go (CC.MempoolUpdateProposal payload) = recoverBytes payload
go (CC.MempoolUpdateVote payload) = recoverBytes payload

-- | Re-encode the mempool payload (without any envelope)
mempoolPayloadReencode :: CC.AMempoolPayload a -> ByteString
mempoolPayloadReencode :: CC.MempoolPayload -> ByteString
mempoolPayloadReencode = go
go (CC.MempoolTx payload) = reencode payload
go (CC.MempoolDlg payload) = reencode payload
go (CC.MempoolUpdateProposal payload) = reencode payload
go (CC.MempoolUpdateVote payload) = reencode payload
go (CC.MempoolTx payload) = serialize' payload
go (CC.MempoolDlg payload) = serialize' payload
go (CC.MempoolUpdateProposal payload) = serialize' payload
go (CC.MempoolUpdateVote payload) = serialize' payload

reencode :: (Functor f, ToCBOR (f ())) => f a -> ByteString
reencode = CBOR.toStrictByteString . toCBOR . void


reAnnotateMagicId :: ProtocolMagicId -> Annotated ProtocolMagicId ByteString
reAnnotateMagicId pmi = reAnnotate $ Annotated pmi ()

reAnnotateMagic :: ProtocolMagic -> AProtocolMagic ByteString
reAnnotateMagic (AProtocolMagic a b) = AProtocolMagic (reAnnotate a) b

reAnnotateBlock :: CC.EpochSlots -> CC.ABlock () -> CC.ABlock ByteString
reAnnotateBlock epochSlots =
(CC.toCBORBlock epochSlots)
(CC.fromCBORABlock epochSlots)

reAnnotateBoundary :: ProtocolMagicId
-> CC.ABoundaryBlock ()
-> CC.ABoundaryBlock ByteString
reAnnotateBoundary pm =
(CC.toCBORABoundaryBlock pm)

-- | Generalization of 'reAnnotate'
reAnnotateUsing :: forall f a. Functor f
=> (f a -> Encoding)
-> (forall s. Decoder s (f ByteSpan))
-> f a -> f ByteString
reAnnotateUsing encoder decoder =
(\bs -> splice bs $ CBOR.deserialiseFromBytes decoder bs)
. CBOR.toLazyByteString
. encoder
splice :: Show err
=> Lazy.ByteString
-> Either err (Lazy.ByteString, f ByteSpan)
-> f ByteString
splice bs (Right (left, fSpan))
| Lazy.null left = (Lazy.toStrict . slice bs) <$> fSpan
| otherwise = roundtripFailure "leftover bytes"
splice _ (Left err) = roundtripFailure $ show err

roundtripFailure :: forall x. T.Text -> x
roundtripFailure err = panic $ T.intercalate ": " $ [
, "serialization roundtrip failure"
, show err

Header of a regular block or EBB
The ledger layer defines 'ABlockOrBoundary', but no equivalent for headers.

data ABlockOrBoundaryHdr a =
ABOBBlockHdr !(CC.AHeader a)
| ABOBBoundaryHdr !(CC.ABoundaryHeader a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Generic, NoUnexpectedThunks)

fromCBORABlockOrBoundaryHdr :: CC.EpochSlots
-> Decoder s (ABlockOrBoundaryHdr ByteSpan)
fromCBORABlockOrBoundaryHdr epochSlots = do
enforceSize "ABlockOrBoundaryHdr" 2
fromCBOR @Word >>= \case
0 -> ABOBBoundaryHdr <$> CC.fromCBORABoundaryHeader
1 -> ABOBBlockHdr <$> CC.fromCBORAHeader epochSlots
data BlockOrBoundaryHdr =
BOBBlockHdr !CC.Header
| BOBBoundaryHdr !CC.BoundaryHeader
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NoUnexpectedThunks)

fromCBORBlockOrBoundaryHdr :: CC.EpochSlots
-> AnnotatedDecoder s BlockOrBoundaryHdr
fromCBORBlockOrBoundaryHdr epochSlots = do
lift $ enforceSize "BlockOrBoundaryHdr" 2
lift (fromCBOR @Word) >>= \case
0 -> BOBBoundaryHdr <$> fromCBORAnnotated'
1 -> BOBBlockHdr <$> CC.fromCBORHeader epochSlots
t -> panic $ "Unknown tag in encoded HeaderOrBoundary" <> show t

-- | The analogue of 'Data.Either.either'
aBlockOrBoundaryHdr :: (CC.AHeader a -> b)
-> (CC.ABoundaryHeader a -> b)
-> ABlockOrBoundaryHdr a -> b
aBlockOrBoundaryHdr f _ (ABOBBlockHdr hdr) = f hdr
aBlockOrBoundaryHdr _ g (ABOBBoundaryHdr hdr) = g hdr
aBlockOrBoundaryHdr :: (CC.Header -> b)
-> (CC.BoundaryHeader -> b)
-> BlockOrBoundaryHdr -> b
aBlockOrBoundaryHdr f _ (BOBBlockHdr hdr) = f hdr
aBlockOrBoundaryHdr _ g (BOBBoundaryHdr hdr) = g hdr

abobHdrFromBlock :: CC.ABlockOrBoundary a -> ABlockOrBoundaryHdr a
abobHdrFromBlock (CC.ABOBBlock blk) = ABOBBlockHdr $ CC.blockHeader blk
abobHdrFromBlock (CC.ABOBBoundary blk) = ABOBBoundaryHdr $ CC.boundaryHeader blk
bobHdrFromBlock :: CC.BlockOrBoundary -> BlockOrBoundaryHdr
bobHdrFromBlock (CC.BOBBlock blk) = BOBBlockHdr $ CC.blockHeader blk
bobHdrFromBlock (CC.BOBBoundary blk) = BOBBoundaryHdr $ CC.boundaryHeader blk

-- | Slot number of the header
-- NOTE: Epoch slot number calculation must match the one in 'applyBoundary'.
abobHdrSlotNo :: CC.EpochSlots -> ABlockOrBoundaryHdr a -> CC.SlotNumber
abobHdrSlotNo epochSlots =
bobHdrSlotNo :: CC.EpochSlots -> BlockOrBoundaryHdr -> CC.SlotNumber
bobHdrSlotNo epochSlots =
(boundaryBlockSlot epochSlots . CC.boundaryEpoch)

abobHdrChainDifficulty :: ABlockOrBoundaryHdr a -> CC.ChainDifficulty
abobHdrChainDifficulty =
bobHdrChainDifficulty :: BlockOrBoundaryHdr -> CC.ChainDifficulty
bobHdrChainDifficulty =

abobHdrHash :: ABlockOrBoundaryHdr ByteString -> CC.HeaderHash
abobHdrHash (ABOBBoundaryHdr hdr) = CC.boundaryHeaderHashAnnotated hdr
abobHdrHash (ABOBBlockHdr hdr) = CC.headerHashAnnotated hdr
bobHdrHash :: BlockOrBoundaryHdr -> CC.HeaderHash
bobHdrHash (BOBBoundaryHdr hdr) = CC.boundaryHeaderHashAnnotated hdr
bobHdrHash (BOBBlockHdr hdr) = CC.hashHeader hdr

abobHdrPrevHash :: ABlockOrBoundaryHdr a -> Maybe CC.HeaderHash
abobHdrPrevHash =
bobHdrPrevHash :: BlockOrBoundaryHdr -> Maybe CC.HeaderHash
bobHdrPrevHash =
(Just . CC.headerPrevHash)
(either (const Nothing) Just . CC.boundaryPrevHash)
Expand All @@ -654,16 +586,16 @@ abobHdrPrevHash =
-- header-body validation but only checking whether an EBB header and EBB block
-- were provided. This seems to be fine as it won't cause any loss of consensus
-- with the old `cardano-sl` nodes.
abobMatchesBody :: ABlockOrBoundaryHdr ByteString
-> CC.ABlockOrBoundary ByteString
bobMatchesBody :: BlockOrBoundaryHdr
-> CC.BlockOrBoundary
-> Bool
abobMatchesBody hdr blk =
bobMatchesBody hdr blk =
case (hdr, blk) of
(ABOBBlockHdr hdr', CC.ABOBBlock blk') -> matchesBody hdr' blk'
(ABOBBoundaryHdr _, CC.ABOBBoundary _) -> True
(ABOBBlockHdr _, CC.ABOBBoundary _) -> False
(ABOBBoundaryHdr _, CC.ABOBBlock _) -> False
(BOBBlockHdr hdr', CC.BOBBlock blk') -> matchesBody hdr' blk'
(BOBBoundaryHdr _, CC.BOBBoundary _) -> True
(BOBBlockHdr _, CC.BOBBoundary _) -> False
(BOBBoundaryHdr _, CC.BOBBlock _) -> False
matchesBody :: CC.AHeader ByteString -> CC.ABlock ByteString -> Bool
matchesBody :: CC.Header -> CC.Block -> Bool
matchesBody hdr' blk' = isRight $
CC.validateHeaderMatchesBody hdr' (CC.blockBody blk')

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