The idea is to make it easier for Splunk users to leverage KQL (migrations, hybrid environments, consultants). The way the data (stream) is manipulated is of course different, the goal here is to get a head start before diving into formal KQL documentation.
Please note I've only played for a few hours before writing this 🐣 therefore feedback and suggestions are more than welcome!
If you are looking for code translators or something similar, consider this project (never used though):
For me the easiest was to get access to Azure's Data Explorer and start playing from there as it provides multiple datasets for interactiing and even allowing charts/dataviz rendering.
You can also start from MS Tutorials on how to write KQL queries.
Kusto Query Language (KQL) reference doc
Also consider this nice cheatsheet doc from Markus Bakker:
SPL Quick Reference doc can be found here.
- In SPL we usually refer to fields instead of columns. In KQL docs there are many references similar to SQL lang.
- In SPL, every command starts with a pipe (|). Likewise, in KQL, each filter prefixed by the pipe is an instance of an operator.
- Aforementioned pipe char (SPL's command prefix) is suppressed from the table below for simplicity, except for multi-line examples.
- Of course, some commands are better compared from a "use case" perspective, therefore no 1-to-1 mapping possible as each language has its particularities.
SPL | KQL | Remarks |
head |
take |
limit is a synonym. Consider sorting for consitency (SPL's head/tail). |
table <field(s)> |
project <field(s)> |
Multiple columns are separated by comma (,). More project uses below. |
fields - <field(s)> |
project-away <field(s)> |
Also consider project-keep |
rename source_addr AS src_ip |
project-rename source_addr = src_ip |
I haven't figured out how to use wildcards. Also check this. |
search OS="win" |
where OS contains "win" |
Also consider search |
where OS="Windows 10" |
where OS=="Windows 10" |
Case sensitive |
search OS="windows 10" |
where OS=~"windows 10" |
Case insensitive |
search OS IN ("windows", "linux") |
where OS in~ ("windows", "linux") |
Case insensitive full-match (implied OR operation) |
where match(OS, "") |
where OS matches regex "" |
Complies with re2 |
eval shake = milk."+".fruit |
extend shake = strcat(milk, "+", fruit) |
Many more string operators here |
| makeresults |
print fruit="blueberry", _time=now() |
Using project while evaluating a new column/field |
eval sum = num1 + num2 |
extend sum = num1 + num2 |
Also consider understanding let statement (many other use cases) |
base search for StormEvents |
StormEvents |
Also consider count operator. Similar use for distinct counting with dcount |
base search for StormEvents |
StormEvents |
Also consider count operator |
base search for StormEvents |
StormEvents |
Also consider count operator |
base search for StormEvents |
StormEvents |
KQL's top behaves differently (EventType is kept in the output) rather than SPL's transformation top (see below) |
base search for StormEvents |
StormEvents |
A combination of summarize , sort and take is also possible here |
| bin _time span=1d |
format_datetime, datetime_part and summarize's bin() | No clear equivalent here, depends on use case |
rex, replace | parse, parse-where | Fields extraction and string replacement |
No specific command for Charts and Dashboards | render (chart type is a parameter) | Some quick chart and dashboard examples here & there |