Some very simple samples to use the InLoox OData API for InLoox 11 (Cloud & OnPrem). For start see:
InLoox Odata specification is available via SWAGGER
To call the ODATA api a PersonalAccessToken is required. API Token can be generated on your profile page: (OnPrem: https://YOUR-ON-PREM-URL/login/Manage/PersonalAccessToken) The API Token can be provided in the HTTP Header. Key: 'x-api-key' Value: YOUR_PAT_TOKEN
The referenced NugetPackage ( contains models for all relevant entites.
Retrieval of custom fields values is also possible for Project, TaskItem, Budget, LineItem and TimeEntry currently. Therefore use the ODataEndpoints: DynamicProject, DynamicTaskItem, DynamicBudget, DynamicLineItem, DynamicTimeEntry.
To retrieve the custom field values you need to extend the Custom*.cs files in the Models subfolder.
By default the InLoox ODATA API returns 100 elements per API call. To implement paging see example 3 in program.cs. Filtering is also explained in this example.