Scripts to create an open source Telesploit server
These scripts have only been tested on Kali Xfce rolling release.
From the Kali server open a console and verify the current working directory is /root.
Download the files or run 'git clone'
Navigate to the telesploit-server directory. should be run as root only on a new Kali Xfce installation. Any existing files or settings may be lost. You have been warned!
Prior to running the setup script, the following actions MUST be taken.
- Setup a Telesploit relay and assign an FQDN
- Fully update the Kali Xfce install (update/upgrade/dist-upgrade)
- Update the relay_fqdn, tester_pub_key, usb_drive variables in telesploit-server/server.cfg
- Insert a USB flash drive (SanDisk Ultra Fit or other small form factor USBs recommended as this must stay connected to the system)
- Format the USB flash drive to FAT32 and label it TELESPLOIT (default)
- Mount the USB flash drive, /media/root/TELESPLOIT (default). Simply right click on the TELESPLOIT drive on the desktop and select mount