Generate thumbnail versions of your jpeg & png images
Add this line to your Gemfile
gem 'middleman-thumbnailer', :git => ''
And something like this to your config.rb
require 'middleman-thumbnailer'
activate :thumbnailer,
:dimensions => {
:small => '200x',
:medium => '400x300'
:include_data_thumbnails => true,
:namespace_directory => %w(gallery)
If you have a file in images called (for example) background.png, thumbnail versions will be created called: background-small-200x.png background-medium-400x300.png
the list of images will be included in the data-thumbnails attribute for each image displayed with the thumbnail
only thumbnail images found within this directory (within the images directory of course)
thumbnail(image, size, [html_options])
will return the thumbnail image tag for the image of the named dimension/size
thumbnail_url(image, size)
will return the url for the image of the named dimension/size